Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/450

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VIVARINI comparative obscurity. Among his later works is St. George and the Dragon (1485), Berlin Museum. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 39 ; Burckhardt, 589, 590, 623 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole venitienne ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., vi. 86, 102, 126 ; ed. Mil., iii. 666 ; Lermolieff, 397 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 514. VIVAKINI, LUIGI or ALVISE, the elder, Venetian school, beginning of the 15th cen- tury. A Christ bearing His Cross, in the sacristy of S. Zanipolo, Venice, has his sig- nature, with the date 1414. The picture has been so much repainted that the authentic- ity of the inscription has been doubted by many. Lerniolieff and Crowe and Cavalca- selle doubt the existence of an elder Luigi, and the latter believe it to be the work of Luigi Vivarini who lived at the close of the 15th century, following in this Lanzi and others. Charles Blanc, however, who thinks the date authentic, and believes in the ex- istence of an elder Luigi, is supported in his belief by Bidolfi, Zanetti, and Zanotto. There are several single figures of saints at- tributed to the elder Luigi in the Venice Academy. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 19, 58 ; Va- sari, ed. Mil., iii. 159 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole vu- nitienne ; Lermolieff, 396. VIVARINI, LUIGI, the younger, Vene- tian school, last of 15th century, died in 1503? He was a kinsman of Bartolom- meo Vivarini, and probably studied either under him or with Antonio da Murano, his elder brother. His style for many years is marked with the Muranese stamp, but when Bartolommeo's powers began to de- cline, Luigi crept up gradually to an imita- tion of the Bellini, and in many qualities soon rivalled Giovanni Bellini. One of the best examples of his earlier works is the Madonna with Saints (1480), now in the Venice Academy. It shows correct aerial and linear perspective and the proper dis- tribution of figures, and proves that he needed but a little more taste for colour, more delicacy of selection, and greater ver- satility, to equal his rivals. In 1488 he was employed with the brothers Bellini in the decoration of the Sala del Gran Consiglio, but the fire of 1577 unfortunately destroyed his works. While engaged in this he also executed important private works, the three largest and latest of which are a Madonna with Saints, Berlin Museum ; Madonna with Saints and Angels (1501), same gallery ; and the Apotheosis of St. Ambrose in the Frari, Venice, finished after Luigi's death, by his pupil Basaiti. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 52; Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 159; Ch. Blanc, ficole venitienne ; Lermolieff, 398 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 517. VIVIEN, JOSEPH, born at Lyons in 1657, died at Bonn, Dec. 5, 1735. French school ; portrait painter, especially in pas- tel, pupil of Le Brun in Paris, where he went in 1677. Acquired such reputation that all persons of note in Europe wished to be painted by him. His portraits are excel- lent likenesses and of fine execution. Mem- ber of Academy, 1701 ; Counsellor, 1703. Court painter to Elector of Cologne. Works : Adoration of the Magi (1698), Notre Dame de Paris ; Elector Max Emanuel of Bavaria, Duke of Burgundy, Sculptor Gi- rardon, three others, Musue des dessins, Louvre ; Portraits of Fenelon, and the En- graver Edelinck (attributed), Versailles Mu- seum ; Cardinal Joseph Clement of Bavaria, Elector of Cologne, Valenciennes Museum ; others in Museums at Metz and Rouen ; Duke Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria, Darm- stadt Museum ; Fenelon, The Artist, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Philip V. of Spain, Dukes Charles de Berry, Louis of Bur- gundy, Max Emanuel of Bavaria (2), eight others, Schleis s h e i m I /nn-f I Gallery; Por- I/W trait of him- self, Uffizi, Florence. Bellier, ii. 698 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole fran9aise, iii.; Jal., 1278. VLERICK, PEETER, born at Courtrai in 1539, died at Tournai in 1581. Flemish school ; history painter, pupil of Charles