Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/465

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WAGNER Landscape with Cattle, Raczynski Gallery, ib.; Shepherd Family with Cattle and Sheep Resting, Similar Subject (1812), Darmstadt Museum ; Inn Valley near Niederandorf, Ruin of Falkenstein (1828), View in Tyrol (1826), Kouigsberg Museum ; Herd with Boy (1823), Leipsic Museum ; Young Bull, Landscapes with Figures and Animals (5, three dated 1816, 1821, 1827), New Pinako- thek, Mu- nich ; Sheep and Cattle- Pieces (6, three dated 1810, 181G), View near Munich, Schleissheirn Gallery. Jordan (1885), ii. 236. WAGNER, ALEXANDER, born in Pesth, April 16, 1838. History and genre painter, pupil in Munich of Piloty. Won fame with his first large picture, Isabella Ziipolya's Farewell to Transylvania, belonging to the Hungarian Academy ; visited Spain, and is now professor at the Munich Academy. Works : Episode in Siege of Belgrade, Death of Titus Dugovich, Castle Vajda- Hunyad with Matthias Corvinus and Hunt- ing Suite, Pesth Museum ; Abduction of Women (1868) ; Csikos Race at Debreczin ; Picadores at Bull-Fight ; Spanish Mail at Toledo ; Chariot Race (1876), G. Kirchner & Co., New York. In fresco: Entry of Gusta- vus Adolphus into Aschaffenburg, Marriage of Otto of Bavaria, National Museum, Mu- nich ; Banquet of Attila, Tournament of Matthias Corvinus, Redouten Saal, Pesth. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 1013. WAGNER, ELISE. See Puyroche. WAGNER, FERDINAND, born at SchwabmOnchen, Bavaria, in 1819, died in Augsburg, June 13, 1881. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Cornelius, Schlotthauer, and Schnorr ; returned in 1848 to his native town, painted for differ- ent churches in Bavaria, and in succession the following works in fresco : Last Judg- ment, Church at SchwabmUuchen ; Homage of City of Augsburg to Rudolf von Haps- burg, Augsburg offering Protection to Louis the Bavarian, Foundation of the Fuggerei, Anton Fugger interceding for Augsburg, Emperor Max at Augsburg (1860-63), Fug- ger House, Augsburg ; others at Constance (1864), and in the City Hall and Catho- lic Church at Breslau (1865-66); Palace at Monaco (1867) ; Church at Meminingen ; New City Hall at Munich ; Scenes from Life of Christ, Church at Friedberg, Suabia. Kunst-Chronik, xvi. 618 ; Mttller, 543. WAGNER, FERDINAND, born at Pas- sau, Jan. 25, 1847. History and genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy and of Quaglio ; visited Rome, and in 1876 Ven- ice ; an artist of great imagination and ex- quisite humour, and an excellent colourist. Works : Children's Ball, Architect Bare, Hamburg ; Lute Player; Evening Devotion ; Doings of Modern Art. In fresco : Tann- hiiuser Scenes (1873) ; Walls and Ceiling (1874), Rathskeller, Munich ; do., Cafe Roth, ib.; Five Senses (1881); Cycle of 17 pict- ures representing Influence of Ancient Gods on Aliments (1882) ; Hunting Train (1883), Drachenburg on the Rhine ; Two Female Figures (1883). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 993 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 210, 739 ; xix. 183, 447 ; Ulustr. Zeitg. (1875), ii. 83 ; All- gem. K. C., viii. 547. WAGNER, JOHANN MARTIN VON, born at Wiirzburg, June 24, 1777, died in Rome, Aug. 8, 1858. History painter, pu- pil of Vienna Academy (1797-82) under Fiiger ; won the first prize, and returned to Wiirzburg ; went in 1803 to Paris and in 1804 to Rome, whither he returned in 1810 after a sojourn in Munich of two years. In 1812-13 he visited Greece, by order of Crown Prince Louis of Bavaria, to buy antique works of art. Professor and secretary-general of Munich Academy. Commander of Order of Civil Merit and of St. Michael. Works : Holy Family, Holy Women returning from Christ's Tomb (1802) ; Council of Leaders before Troy (1808), Schleissheim Gallery; sketch to this in Darmstadt Museum ; Por- trait of Artist's Parents, Bearded Old Man, Mary on her Journey to Elizabeth, Christ 401