Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/472

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WASHINGTON on a white horse, riding to right, accompa- nied by his staff, rebuking a subordinate officer for neglect of duty. Painted for the rotunda of the Capitol, but left in the ar- tist's hands ; presented by his heirs, in 1873, to the " Ladies' Mount Vemon Asso- ciation." Johnston, Portraits of W. By James Sharpies, James Walter, Lon- don. Two bust portraits, one full-face, in continental uniform, the other profile, in civilian's costume. These, together with a portrait of Martha Washington, are said to have been executed about 1796 for Kobert Cary, of Gary & Co., London, mercantile agents for Washington. The full-face pict- ure was exhibited in New York in 1854, but returned to England ; in 1882 all three were taken to the United States and exhibited in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and other cities. In November, 1886, Ma- jor Walter presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society the evidence in support of the claim of these pictures to authentic- ity, with a view to obtain its aid in an ap- peal to the Government at Washington to purchase them for the nation ; and on Jan- uary 13, 1887, the committee of investiga- tion reported adversely both to the authen- ticity of the pictures and of the letters published in Major Walter's "Memorials." Johnston, Portraits of W.; Walter, Me- morials of W. (New York, 1887) ; Nation (1887), xliv. 49. By Gilbert Stuart, William F. Channing, Providence, R. I. Half-length, in citizen's dress, head turned to right, showing right side of face. Painted in 1795 from a sketch made in September of that year (destroyed by Stuart) for Col. George Gibbs ; sold to his sister, Mrs. William Ellery Channing, and descended to her son. Eeplicas : One painted for Samuel Vaughan, now in Harri- son Collection, Philadelphia ; another paint- ed for J. Vaughan and taken to England ; a third, owned by Mrs. Rogers, Lancaster, Penn. Johnston, Portraits of W. By Gilbert Stuart, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Bust, citizen's costume, head turned to left, showing left side of face. The head only is finished. Painted in 1796 ; retained by Stuart, and purchased of his widow and presented with its pendant, Mrs. Washington, to the Athenaeum, Boston, whence commonly called the Athenaeum picture. About fifty replicas. Mason, G. Stuart, 103 ; Johnston, Portraits of Wash- ington. By Gilbert Stuarl, John Delaware Lewis, London ; canvas, life-size. Washington as President. Full-length, standing beside a table, dressed in black-velvet suit and white ruffles, the right hand extended, the left holding a dress sword ; behind, right, an arm-chair ; in background, two rows of pil- lars and a drawn curtain. Painted in 1796 for Marquis of Lansdowne ; sold, at his de- cease, to Samuel Williams for 2,000 (an- other statement, 540 15s.) ; disposed of by lottery in 1824, forty tickets at 50 guineas each, and drawn by father of present owner. Exhibited at Centennial Exhibition, 1876, and returned to England. Replicas : Henry E. Pierrepont, Brooklyn ; Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia ; a third, painted for Gardner Baker, New York, was stolen and carried to England (possibly the one now owned by Russell Sturgis, of London) ; a fourth, State House, Providence, R. I.; a fifth, State House, Newport, R. I.; a sixth, State House, Hartford, Conn.; a seventh, with changes, Lenox Library, New York. Johnston, Portraits of W.; Mason, G. Stu- art. By Gilbert Stuart, deposited by city in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Washing- ton on Dorchester Heights. Full-length, in uniform, standing beside a white horse, holding the bridle in his left hand and his chapeau in his right. Painted in 1806 ; presented to town of Boston by Samuel Parkman ; long in Faneuil Hall, where re- placed by Miss Jane Stuart's copy. John- ston, Portraits of W.; Mason, G. Stuart. By John Trumbull, City Hall, New York. Full-length, in uniform, standing by a white horse, leaning his arm upon the saddle ; in 408