Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/483

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WEBER from nature, visited the East in 1846, then studied in Antwerp under Deichmann. In 1848-58 he travelled in America and lived in Philadelphia ; after his return, visited Switzerland, France, and Great Britain, and settled in Munich. Many of his pictures are in America. Works : Twilight ; Mill in Black Forest ; Storm on Chiem Lake ; View in Catskill Mountains ; Beech Wood with Farm House ; Forest Brook (1874), Darm- stadt Museum ; Herd returning from Past- ure (1880) ; Autumn Morning in Park of Darmstadt (1883) ; Morning at Berchtes- gaden (1884). Illustr. Zeitg. (1865); Kunst- Chronik, xviii. 497. WEBEE, THEODOR ALEXANDER, born in Leipsic, May 11, 1838. Marine and landscape painter, pupil in Berlin of Krause ; went in 1856 to Paris, where he studied under Isabey, and soon acquired great repu- tation ; went to London in 1870, and settled in Brussels in 1874. Member of Societas Artis et Amicitice, Amsterdam, and other European art societies. Medals : Rouen, 1866 ; Havre, 1868 ; London, 1871 ; Phila- delphia, 1876. Works : Mont Orgueil in Jersey ; Spreewald ; Sea View in Normandy ; Coast near iStretat ; Sassnitz in Rflgen ; Return in Winter ; Shipwreck near Dieppe ; Banks of Seine ; Sunrise ou Coast of Brit- tany ; Rock of Leide (1866); After the Storm ; Harbour of Fecamp ; Ebb at Ostend (1875) ; King of Belgium ; Mail-Ship be- tween Ostend and Dover ; Shipwreck in Bay of Douarnenez, Evrard Gallery, London ; Arrival of French Mail-Ship at Dover, Willis Gallery, ib.; In Harbour of Vlissing- en, Lemmo Gallery, Antwerp ; In Harbour of Ostend, Hauff Gallery, Paris ; Shipwreck near Troport, Avignon Museum ; Twilight on Seashore, Thiem Collection, Berlin. Illustr. Zeitg. (1864) ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 1022. WEBSTER, THOMAS, born in Pimlico, March 20, 1800, died in 1886. Genre painter, student in 1821 of Royal Academy, where he took the first prize for painting in 1825 ; elected an A.R.A. in 1840, and R.A. in 1846 ; retired in 1877. In his pictures children are generally the principal actors. Works: Gunpowder Plot (1829); Village School (1833) ; Football (1839) ; Punch (1841); Sickness and Health (1843) ; Dame's School (1845) ; Village Choir (1847) ; Slide, See-Saw (1849) ; School Playground (1852); Hide and Seek (1856) ; Sunday Evening, Grace before Meat (1858) ; Autumn, Win- ter (1860) ; Politicians (1869) ; Volunteers at Artillery Practice (1871) ; Odd or Even (1872) ; Interested Adviser (1873) ; Wreck Ashore (1874) ; Youth and Age (1876) ; The Letter (1877) ; Released from School (1879). Saudby, ii. 177 ; Art Journal (1886), 351. WEDDED, Sir Frederick Leighton, Syd- ney Museum, New South Wales ; canvas. Two figures walking under the arches of a terrace, in glow of orange and purple ; back- ground of blue sea and sky. Purchased for 1,500. R. Acad., 1882. WEDDING-FEAST, RUSSIAN, Kon- stantin Makovski, Charles W. Schumann, New York ; canvas, H. 8 ft. x 13 ft. ; signed, dated 1883. The wedding-banquet hi tho house of a wealthy Boyar in the seventeenth century. The company, gathered around a splendidly appointed table, have turned to greet the bride and groom, who stand at the head of the table at right, and wait with filled cups to drink to their happiness when the young husband, who now sees his wife for the first time unveiled, shall have given her the husband-kiss ; at the left, a group are making merry over the bride's slipper, which they have secured and hidden ; an at- tendant is entering with a large dish, and others are looking through the doorway. Exhibited at the International Exposition, Antwerp, 1885, where it was awarded the medal of honour. WEDDING-GOWN, CHOOSING THE, William Mulready, South Kensington Mu- seum ; canvas, H. 1 ft. 9 in. x 1 ft. 5 in. Scene suggested by opening passage in "Vicar of Wakefield." Royal Academy, 1846 ; Sheepshanks Collection. Engraved by F. A. Heath. Art Journal (1869), 4. 415