Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/488

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WEISZ 1880. Painter of landscapes and city views, pupil of Salomon, Leonardus Verveer ; travelled in Holland and Belgium. Mem- ber of Amsterdam Academy, 1846 ; of So- cieto beige des Aquarellistes, 1858 ; of So- ciotu des Artistes beiges, and of Rotterdam Academy, 18G2. Medals : Rotterdam, 1844 ; The Hague, 1857 ; Brussels, 1859. Officer of Order of Oaken Crown, 1861. Works : Market Square at The Hague, Stuttgart Art School ; St. Mary's in Utrecht, Societas Artis et Amicitirc, Rotterdam ; View of Leerdam, another City View, Amsterdam Museum ; View in Amsterdam, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Courtyard in Old Town ; Copper Gate at Amersfoort ; Views of "Waudrichem, Boxtel, Kuilenborg, etc. Kramm, vi. 1838 ; Miil- ler, 551. WEISZ, ADOLPHE, born at Budapest ; contemporary, naturalized Frenchman. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Jala- bert. Medals : 3d class, 1875 ; 2d class, 1885. Works : Mendicant Nun, Alsatian Fiancoe (1875) ; Young Mother watching her Sleeping Child, The First Tooth (1876) ; Jealousy, Moravian Fiancee (1877) ; Alsatian Centenarian, In 1815 (1878) ; Asking for Publication of Bans, Fiancee (1880) ; Her- cules and Omphale (1881) ; Rene and Bob (1882) ; Namouua (1884) ; Enamoured Lion (1885) ; Nymph Discovering the Head of Orpheus (1886). WEITSCH, FRIEDRICH GEORG, born in Brunswick, Aug. 8, 1758, died in Berlin, May 30, 1828. History painter, son of the landscape painter Johann Friedrich Weitsch (1723-1803), pupil in Cassel of Wilhelm Tischbein ; visited Holland and Italy, re- turned to Brunswick in 1781, went as court painter to Berlin in 1787, and became di- rector of the Academy in 1797. In 1808 called to Stettin to paint Marshal Soult. Works : Abbot Jerusalem, Alexander von Humboldt as a Young Man (1806), National Gallery, Berlin ; Portrait of his Father (1797), Brunswick Gallery ; do. of the Ar- chrcologist Hirt (1785), Filrstenberg Gal- lery, Donaueschingeu ; do. of the Poet Tiedge (1817), Kunsthalle, Hamburg. There are four landscapes (1763-93) by his fa- ther in Brunswick Gallery. Jordan (1885), ii. 240 ; Nagler, xxi. 268 ; N. Necrol. der D. (1828), i. 439. WELL-BRED SITTERS, Sir Edwin Landseer, private gallery, England. A large black dog, with a badger-hair brush in his mouth, sits, as if before an artist, a model of dignity and self-possession ; by his side a fawn-coloured dog is posed with great elegance ; in the foreground, several dead doves, a pheasant, and a purple-velvet cigar- case. British Institution (1864). Coleman sale (1881), 5,250. Stephens, Sir E. L., 106. WELLER, THEODOR LEOPOLD, born at Mannheim, May 29, 1802, died there, Dec. 10, 1880. Genre painter, pupil of Mannheim Art School, then of Munich Academy under Langer ; lived in Rome in 1825-33, and is now director of the Mann- heim Gallery. Works : Peasant Woman at her Boy's Sick-Bed, Visit to Prisoner (1835), National Gallery, Berlin ; -Italian Woman with Jug, Fortune Teller, Carlsruhe Gal- lery; Italian Field Labourers passing through Old Gate (1831), New Pinako- thek, Munich ; Old Peasant at Olevano ; Public Scribe. Jordan (1885), ii. 240. WELLS, HENRY TANWORTH, born in London in 1828. Portrait and land- scape painter ; an eminent miniature painter, but since 1860 has contributed many large portraits and some ideal can- vases to the Royal Academy. Elected an A.R.A. in 1866, and R.A. in 1870. Works: Old Stone- breaker and Child, The Laurel Walk (1879) ; Picnic, Victoria Regina (1880) ; Ethel (1882);