Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/501

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WICKENBERG Robert Fleury in Paris, -whence he went to Italy to study the later Venetian mastera Works : Paolo Veronese in Venice (1856), Catherine cle' Medici at the Alchemist's, National Gallery, Berlin. Jordan (1885), ii. 242. WICKENBERG, PETER, bom at Stock- holm in 1808, died at Pau in 1846. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy ; then went to Paris, where his genre scenes met with much favour. After- wards he painted views in Holland, and winter landscapes of realistic conception, but with careful execution of details, clear and powerful colouring, and beautiful light effects. Legion of Honour, 1842. Works : Mother sewing by her Child's Bed (1839), Fishing in Winter (1839), Fisher Family in Cottage (1840), Leipsic Museum ; Winter Landscape, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam. WIDOWER, Luke Fildes, Sydney Muse- um, New South Wales ; canvas. Royal Academy, 1876 ; bought by Thomas Tay- lor, of Wigan ; Taylor sale (1883), 2,205. Etched by L. Flameng. WIEDER, WILHELM, born at Stepnitz, Pomerania, Feb. 16, 1818, died in Berlin, Oct. 15, 1884. Genre painter, pupil in Berlin of J. S. Otto ; lived for some time in England, three years in Russia, four in Paris, one in Antwerp, and twenty-four in Italy ; returned to Germany in 1873, and settled in Berlin. Works : Mass at Aracceli Church in Rome (1856), National Gallery, Berlin ; Confession on Holy Thursday in St. Peter's, Rome. Kunst-Chronik, xx. 57. WIEGMANN, MARIE (nee Hancke), born at Silberberg, Silesia, Nov. 7, 1826. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Diis- seldorf Academy under Hermann Stilke and Karl Sohn ; married the architect and paint- er Rudolf Wiegmann, and visited afterwards Germany, Holland, England, and Venice. Gold medal, Berlin. Works: The Elves (1847); Damajanti (1850); The Two Grand- mothers (1852) ; Reunion ; Undine (1860) ; Portrait of Karl Schnaase, National Gal- lery, Berlin ; do. of Karl Sohn, Heiurich von Sybel, Countess Hatzfeld. Mtlller, 556. WIEGMANN, RUDOLF, born at Aden- sen, Hanover, April 17, 1804, died in Dlls- seldorf, April 17, 1865. Architecture paint- er, studied in Italy, especially in Rome, in 1828-34 ; removed in 1835 to Dtlsseldorf, where he became professor of architecture at the Academy in 1839. Wrote a work on the Diisseldorf Academy. Works : St. An- gelo Castle in Rome (1833), Via Sacra (1834), Outlook from Vatican (1836), Cloister in Bonn Cathedral (1842), Interior of St. Mark's in Venice (1845). Andresen, ii. 157 ; Dioskuren, 1865 ; Wiegmann, 90. WIERINGEN, CORNELIS CLAESZ VAN, born in Haarlem between 1570 and 1580, died in 1635. Dutch school ; marine painter. Destined for the navy, he made several sea voyages before devoting himself to art, in which he showed a great talent for representing the sea in its various aspects. Works : Arrival at Vliessingen of Elector Palatine Frederic V. in 1613, Taking of Damietta, Haarlem Museum ; Naval Battle, Madrid Museum. Van der Willigen, 330. WIERTZ, ANTOINE JOSEPH, born at Dinaut, Feb. 22, 1806, died in Brussels, June 18, 1865. History and portrait painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy under Herreyns and van Bree ; then stud- ied in the Louvre, won the grand prize at the Antwerp Academy in 1832, and went via Paris to Rome, where he took Michelangelo for his model, as afterwards Rubens be- came his ideal, and in 1837 was made mem- ber of the Accademia di S. Luca. After his return he lived at Lii'ge, and in 1848 estab- lished himself at Brussels, where in 1850 the government built for him, after his own design, a large studio, now known as the Musoe Wiertz, and containing his collected great works, from which he never allowed 89