Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/514

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WOENSAM were engraved by such masters as Jeaurat, Charles Simoneau, Larmessin, Tardieu, Su- rugue, and Cochin. Although his compo- sition and colouring often suggest the in- fluence of the Venetian school, he followed on the whole the untrue mannerism of his epoch. "Works : Apelles painting Campaspe (1716), Chateau de Compiegne; Vulcan pre- senting to Venus the Arms for .ZEneas, Tou- louse Museum ; The Levee, Evening Toilet, Valenciennes Museum ; Christ in the House of Simon (1727), Marriage at Cana (1728), Schleissheim Gallery ; Visitation of Mary (1729), Holy Family, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. Ch. Blanc, ficole flamande ; Fetis, Les Artistes beiges, ii. 226 ; Jal, 1302 ; Memoires inedits, i. 354 ; Michiels, ix. 302. WOENSAM (Wonsam), ANTON, called Anton von Worms, flourished in Cologne about 1528-61. German school ; the only painter from the Lower Rhine in whose rare pictures the influence of Albrecht Diirer is perceptible. This master drew well, and was not without a certain feeling for beauty. Works : Carthusian Monks under the Cross, Taking of Christ (1529), Museum, Cologne ; Madonna, St. Severinus' and St. Ursula's, ib. ; do., Darmstadt Gallery; Last Judg- ment, Berlin Museum. Kugler (Crowe), i. 229 ; Merlo, 517 ; W. & W., ii. 491. WOLF, AUGUST, born at Weinheim, Baden, April 22, 1842. History painter, pupil in Carlsruhe of the art school, and of Hans Canon ; went in 1868 to Dresden, and copied there a Madonna by Titian, and the portrait of Charles I. by Van Dyck, which procured for him a commission from Count Schack, to copy in Venice the princi- pal works of the Venetian masters for his gallery in Munich ; this task, performed with a singular understanding for the in- dividuality of those masters, occupied him for ten years in Venice, where he still lives. Among his original works are : Banquet at Murano in 16th Century ; Apollo among the Muses ; The Three Parcte ; Old Vene- tian Wedding Procession ; Resurrection, in the Burial Chapel of the Schack Family, Schwerin. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 975 ; Schack, Meine Gemaldesammlung (1884), 290. WOLF HUNT, Rubens, Ashburton Col- lection, London ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 1 in. x 12 ft. 5 in. Three figures mounted, two of them portraits of Rubens and Isabella Brandt, and five on foot, attacking two wolves and three foxes. Painted in 1612 for the Spanish General Legranes; inher- ited by Count Altamira, Madrid ; taken to Paris, returned in 1815 ; purchased (1824) by Smith, picture dealer, for 50,000 francs. Engraved by Soutman ; Van der Leeuw. Replica (6 ft. 7 in. x 9 ft. 2 in.), Methuen Collection, Corsham House, England. Waa- gen, Treasures, ii. 102 ; Smith, ii. 273. WOLF, JOHANN ANDREAS, born in Munich in 1652, died there, April 9, 1716. German school ; history painter, pupil of his father, Jonas Wolf, an obscure painter, and of the sculptor Ableitner ; took Schon- feld and Karl Loth for his models, and afterwards studied especially copies after Raphael's works. Works : Artist's Portrait, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; St. Rupert, Met- ropolitan Church, ib. ; Death of St. Joseph, St. Joseph's Hospital Church, ib. ; Immacu- late Conception, Church of the Holy Ghost, ib.; Communion of the Virgin, The Virgin on the Globe, Schleissheim Gallery ; St. An- drew, Freising Cathedral. Nagler, xxii. 51. WOLFAERTS. See Wol/ordt. WOLFE, DEATH OF, Benjamin West, Grosveuor House, London ; canvas, H. 5 ft. x 7 ft. Battle at Quebec, 1759. General Wolfe, lying on the ground in the agonies of death, supported by several officers, and surrounded by others in various attitudes expressive of grief, is told of his victory by soldiers running from left, where the battle is still raging ; in foreground, an Indian sitting on the ground. In this picture West repudiated the traditions of the clas- sical school and dressed his characters in the costume of the period represented. Painted in 1771. Engraved by Woollett. Replica at Hampton Court ; several others. 442