Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/516

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WOLGEMUTH three years in wandering about Germany and the Netherlands, and then settled at Nuremberg, where he first appears as a cit- izen in 1474. He opened a large stu- dio, or rather work- shop, in which he and his numerous ap- prentices painted re- ligious pictures to or- der, and made designs for such wood-cuts as those which fill the pages of the famous " Chronicle of Nuremberg." Bather a skil- ful mechanic than an artist, Wolgemuth's on the Cross, Coronation of the Virgin, Pieta, last three with portraits of donors, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Death of the Vir- gin, Cologne Museum ; four altar wings with Resurrection (1465), Crucifixion, Mar- riage of St. Catherine, Departure of the Apostles, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Pe- ringsdorffer Altar (1488), Christ on Mount of Olives, Crucifixion, Portrait of Old Man with Felt Hat, do. of Canon Schdnborn, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Portraits of Ursula Tucher (1478) and Elizabeth Tucher (1499), Cassel Gallery ; two por- traits of same family, Weimar Museum ; Portraits of Man and Wife (1475), Amalien- stif t, Dessau ; Old Man's Portrait, Liechten- Woman taken in Adultery, Nicolas Poussin, Louvre. fame rests more upon the fact that he had Al- brecht Diirer as his pupil than upon his ar- tistic work. The pictures attributed to him are very unequal in merit, probably because many of them were for the most part paint- ed by his assistants. The best show con- siderable dramatic feeling, and are painted in clear, strong colour. Works : Christ be- fore Pilate, Louvre ; Entombment, Christ stein Gallery, Vienna ; The Three Magi, Czernin Gallery, ib. ; Altarpiece (1479) in Church of the Virgin, Zwickau ; do. (1506 -08) in Church at Schwabach ; four scenes from Childhood of Christ, Twelve Sibyls, Figures of Emperors (about 1500), City Hall, Goslar ; Pilate washing his Hands, and Crucifixion, Liverpool Institution. Ch. Blanc, cole allemande ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 444