Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/52

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REHN Narcissus ; Venus and Cupid ; Cupid and Psyche ; 2Eneas and Dido ; Metabus in- structing his Daughter in Archery ; Niobe with her Children ; Endymion ; Allegory on Dethronement of Napoleon (1814); Pan- orama of Innsbruck (5, 1819). Andresen, ii. Cl ; Goethe, Winckelnmnn, ii. 150 ; Nag- ler, xii. 373 ; do., Mou., ii. 864 ; Naumann, iii. 140. EEHN, FRANK KNOX MORTON, born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 12, 1848. Ma- rine painter, pupil of the Pennsylvania Acad- emy. Exhibited first at National Academy, New York, in 1879. First prize for marine at St. Louis Exhibition, 1882 ; prize for water colour, New York, 1885 ; gold medal, 2d Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 188C. Studio in New York. Works in oil : Fish- ing Boats in a Calm, High Tide Cape Elizabeth (1879); Portland Light-House, Surf New Jersey Coast (1880); Sun-shower Atlantic Coast (1881), T. B. Clarke, New York ; Old Fish Houses Gloucester Har- bour, Bracket's Cove Maine (1882); Ocean Beach New Jersey, Sundown (1883) ; Bay of Fundy, Little Good Harbour Beach Massachusetts Coast (1884) ; Drifted on the Reef, Fishermen's Huts (1885) ; Incoming Fog, Three Fishers (1886). REID, JOHN R, born in England ; con- temporary. Genre and portrait painter, exhibits at Royal Academy and Grosvenor Gallery. Medal, Jubilee Exhibition, Ber- lin, 188C. Works: Forbidden Ground (1877); Village Belle, Toil and Pleasure (1879) ; Peace and War (1881) ; Leaving the Old Home, Homeless and Homewards, Dead for a Ducat Dead (1882); Darby and Joan, A Spill, The Yarn (1883); An Ugly Customer, Rival Grandfathers (1884) ; The Fatherless, The Mermaid, Seed Time Cornwall (1885); The Shipwreck, Calm Evening (1886). REIFFENSTEIN, KARL THEODOR, born in Frankfort, Jan. 12, 1820. Land- scape painter, pupil of Stiidel Institute un- der Veit and Jakob Becker, and studied nature in the mountains of Middle Ger- many, in Switzerland, Belgium, England, France, and Italy. Medal, Vienna, 1873. Corresponding member of Cercle artistique in Belgium, 1768. Works: Forest Still- ness (1845), Magdeburg Gallery ; Black Pond in the Riesengebirge (1855) ; Lake Vierwaldstitdt, The Orteler (1856); Morn- ing in the Ramsau (1857); 17 Views of Cas- tle Waldleiningen and Amorbach in the Odenwald (1857), Queen Victoria ; Acqua Claudia near Rome ; Approach to Burg Landskron ; The Dachstein (1861) ; Castle Braunfels (1866) ; Picturesque and Roman- tic Frankfort (1,700 water-colours, 1875), Archival. Museum, Frankfort. Kaulen, 247; Miiller, 433. REIGNIER, JEAN, born in Lyons, Aug. 3, 1815, died there in January, 1886. Flower painter, pupil of the Lyons School of Art, where he became professor in 1854. Med- als : 2d class, 1848, 1861 ; L. of Honour, 1863. Works : Garland around Cross by which is a Dog as Emblem of Fidelity (1842), Nimes Museum ; Memorial to the Flower-Painter Berjon Antoine (1845) ; do. to Queen of Belgium (1852) ; do. to Queen Hortense (1857), Lyons Museum ; Fruits, Grenoble Museum. Bellier, ii. 354. REINAGLE, PHILIP, born in 1749, died at Chelsea, Nov. 27, 1833. Portrait, land- scape, and animal painter, pupil of Allan Ramsay in portraiture, and student at Royal Academy in 1769 ; elected an A.R.A. in 1787, and R.A. in 1812. Painted chiefly hunting and sporting subjects, many of which were engraved by J. Scott. Also made copies of the Dutch masters, some of which have passed as originals. His son, Richard Ram- say Reinagle (1775-1862, R.A. 1823), was a landscape and animal painter ; and his grand- son, George Philip Reinagle, son of Richard Ramsay (1802-35), was a marine painter. Redgrave ; Sandby, i. 345. REINER, WENZEL LORENZ, born at Prague in 1686, died there, Oct. 9, 1743. German school ; history, genre, and land- scape painter, pupil of Peter Brandel, and of Schweiger in Prague. His early battle- pieces resemble those of Pieter van Bloe-