Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/522

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WOUWERMAN on a Hill, three others, Mr. Neeld, ib.; six in Dulwich Gallery ; Procession of Boeuf Gras, Start for Chase, Stag Hunt, eleven others, Louvre, Paris ; Start for Hunt, Milk- ing the Goat, Brussels Museum ; Chariot a, Foin, Battle-Piece, seven others, Hague Mu- seum ; Peasants' Brawl, Biding School, Far- rier, ten others, Amsterdam Museum ; Sol- diers Plundering, Equestrian Portrait, Rot- terdam Museum ; Horsemen by a Sluice, Basle Museum ; Destruction of English Fleet in 16G7, Musce Rath, Geneva ; Fal- coners, Seaport, Battle, nineteen others, Cassel Gallery ; Ascension, Brunswick Gal- lery ; Landscapes (2), Hamburg Gallery ; Stag Hunt, Halt before Inn, Copenhagen Gallery ; Riding School, Halt of Hunting Party, four others, Berlin Museum ; Stag Hunt, Battle of Nordlingen, Pillage, Water- ing Place, twelve others, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Annunciation to Shepherds, St. John Preaching, sixty-four others, Dresden Gallery ; Travellers Attacked, four others, Museum, Vienna ; others in Academy, Liech- tenstein (7), Czernin (2), and Harrach Gal- leries, ib. ; nine in Stockholm Museum ; forty-nine (3 dated 1650, 1653, 1656), Her- mitage, St. Petersburg ; ten in Madrid Mu- seum ; others in Galleries and Museums of Aschaffenburg, Christiania (2), Frankfort (5), Gotha (3), Hamburg (3), Leipsic (3), Oldenburg, Schleissheim (2), Schwerin (6), Stuttgart (3), Worlitz (2), Turin (3) ; Moltke Collection, Copenhagen (4) ; Historical So- ciety, New York (5) ; Landscape (74), Skirmish of Cavalry (320), Storming of a Town (450), Blenheim sale, London, 1886. Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollandaise, Bur- ger,Musees,i.l26, 258 ; ii. 96 ; Doh- ^'j.. . j' raffiei ._ zeel, iii. 249 ; Kramm, vii. 167 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 430 ; De Stuers, 187 ; Van der Willigen, 338 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, vi. 48 ; x. (Mittheilungen, iii. 44) ; xii. (Mit., v. 35). WOUWERMAN, PIETER, born in Haar- lem, baptized Sept. 13, 1623, died in Am- sterdam, buried May 9, 1682 (?). Dutch school ; landscape, genre, and animal paint- er, pupil of his father Pauwels Joosten and of his brother Philips, whom he probably assisted in his pictures, the great number of which could otherwise hardly be explained. Lived in Amsterdam about 1662, and proba- bly also in Paris about 1664. Though he never attained the silvery tints and brilliant colouring of his brother, whose pictures he often copied, many of his works pass under the latter's name. Works : View of Porte de Nesle, Louvre, Paris ; Riding School, Museum, Brussels ; Falcon Chase, Stag Hunt, Arenberg Gallery, ib. ; Assault on a City, Hunting Party, Amsterdam Museum ; Kirmess, Haarlem Museum ; Broken Milk- Pot, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Mowers, Stag Hunt, Bargaining for Fish, Rotterdam Museum ; three, Cassel Gallery ; View of Pont Neuf, Horseman and Beggar Woman, Hunting Booty, Brunswick Gallery ; View of Paris, Castle on the Cliff, Gallery, Copenhagen ; Military Camp, Combat between Polish and Swedish Horsemen, Moltke Collection, ib. ; Hunters Resting, Huntsman on Horseback, Stockholm Museum ; Siege of Fortified Town, Berlin Museum ; six in Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; others in Galleries and Museums at Augsburg, Gotha (2), Olden- burg, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, New York ; Czernin Gallery, Vienna ; Uffizi, Florence. Ch. Blanc, cole hollandaise ; Dohme, Iii. ; Van der Willigen, 340. WRAGE (JOCHIM) HINRICH, born at Hitzhusen, Holstein, March 12, 1843. Land- scape painter, first instructed by an obscure painter at Kiel, then pupil of Oswald Ach- enbach at the Diisseldorf Academy, whence he made study trips to Copenhagen, Hol- land, Antwerp, and Brussels. After a winter spent at the art school in Weimar he visited the Isle of Sylt, went in 1871 to Munich, studied in the Bavarian Alps and in Tyrol, then went to Italy and Sicily, and in 1875 to Berlin, where he studied figure painting at the Academy. Since 1879 he has lived at Gremsmtihlen in Holstein. 450