Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/542

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ZIERMAKN" (1850) ; The Virgin and Magdalen (1852) ; Holy Family (1855) ; Christ appearing to the Magdalen (1861) ; St. Francis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata (1863) ; Ecce Homo (1864) ; St. Ann instructing the Virgin (1865) ; Departure from Bethlehem (1867) ; St. Peter healing the Lame (1868) ; Christ Entombed (1869) ; Broken Ears of Grain (1870) ; Ecstasy of St. Paul (1874) ; Glorifi- cation of St. Leonard (1875) ; Elizabeth of Hungary driven from her Palace (1877) ; St. Margaret of Scotland (1878) ; Flight into Egypt, Morning Dew (1879) ; Artist's Por- trait (1880) ; Echo bewailing Narcissus (1881) ; Psyche, Biblis (1882) ; Slumber of St. Magdalen (1883). Bellier, ii. 730 ; Mey- er, Conv. Lex., xis. 1041. ZIERMANN, KARL, born in 1850, died at Berka, near Weimar, Feb. 14, 1881. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Wei- mar Art School under Gussow and Baur ; won at once reputation with his first pict- ure, exhibited in 1875, and was especially successful in wood interiors, enlivened with characteristic figures. Gold medal, Ber- lin, 1878. Works : Journeyman afraid of Dog (1875) ; The Botanist (1878) ; Broken Pitcher ; At the Procession ; Barred Pas- sage ; Pinch of Snuff ; The Caught Fowler ; Wood-Choppers. Kunst-Chronik, xvi. 426 ; xvii. 497; D. Rundschau, xvii. 313. ZIESENIS, JOHANN GEORG, born at Copenhagen in 1716, died at Hanover in 1777. German school ; portrait painter, pupil of his father ; went to Diisseldorf, and in 1764 became court painter to the Elector of Hanover, in which capacity he painted many German princes, among them Frederick the Great. He took Hyacinthe Rigaud for his model. "Works : Portraits of William V. of Orange (3), and his Wife, Hague Museum ; Male and Female Portrait, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Princesses of Bavaria (4), Schleissheim Gallery. Na- gler, xxii. 279 ; Weilbach, 766. ZIMBRECHT. See Simbrecht. ZIMMER, WILHELM, born at Apolda, Saxe- Weimar, April 16, 1853. Genre paint- er, pupil of Weimar Art School under Kalckreuth and Hagen ; has made a name for himself with his humorous scenes from village life, in which the peasant types are very characteristic. Works : Unsuccessful Sleigh Ride ; Jolly Sleigh Ride ; Sunday Pleasure in the Country (1876); Potato Har- vest in Thuringia ; Farm Yard in Thuringia ; The Departure (1880); On Furlough (1884); Intermission (1885). Miiller, 573 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1875), i. 167 ; (1877), ii. 416 ; (1885), i. 513 ; (1886), i. 481. ZIMMERMANN, ALBERT, born at Zit- tau, Saxony, Sept. 20, 1808. Landscape painter, mostly self-taught ; studied in Dres- den and Munich, became professor at the Milan Academy in 1827, and at the Vienna Academy in 1859. His landscapes, to a cer- tain degree ideal, show grand conception of mountain scenery, masterly execution, and powerful light effects. Member of Munich and St. Petersburg Academies ; Bavarian Order of Michael. Works : Jewish Cem- etery (1834) ; Mountain Landscape with Torrent, Rocky Landscape with Centaurs and Leopards (1850), Landscape with Wa- terfall, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Faust and Mephistopheles on the Brocken, Gol- gotha, Schack Gallery, ib. ; Chiem Lake in Storm (1841) ; View in Tyrol after Storm, do. in Bavarian Highlands, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Historical Landscape (with Fight between Centaur Women and Lions, by Rahl); Landslide, The High Goll, Morning Dawn on the Gross Venediger, Partridge Hunting, Sunset on Hintersee (1858); Prayer of Miners (1861) ; View on Anirner Lake, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Afterglow on Lake Piano (1863); Moonlight on the Weser, The Stony Sea near Berchtesgaden ; Lago di Lugano (1869) ; Biblical Landscape (1871) ; Spring Landscape with Sheep, Dresden Museum ; The Obersee near Berch- tesgaden, Stuttgart Museum ; Lake Como, R. L. Stuart, New York. His brother and pupil, Maximilian (born at Zittau, July 7, 1811, died in Munich, Dec. 30, 1878), painted landscapes in the style of Ruisdael. Works : 466