Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/553

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SUPPLEMENT CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, ANTONIO, born at Tortosa, Spain ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil at Barcelona of Clau- dio Lorenzale and at the Madrid Academy of Federico de Madrazo ; then studied in Rome, and finally in Paris, where he still resides. Works : Preparing for a Visit (1874), A. T. Stewart Collection, New York ; Victims of Pillage (1876) ; Court Favour- ites, Temptation (1877) ; Van Dyck at the Court of Charles L, Chocolate (1878) ; Mar- riage of a Prince, Indiscretion (1879) ; Hero of the Fete (1880) ; In the Corner of a Garden, Gourmet (1881) ; Episode in Siege of Paris 1590, At Figaro's (1882) ; A ris- ing Star (youth of Mine, de Pompadour), Always the King (1883) ; The Gourmand (1883), at Morgan sale, New York, 188G, $1,750 ; Writing his Memoirs, Theologian (1884) ; Last Moments of Philip II of Spain (1885) ; St. Ferdinand, King of Spain (188C). CASTRES, EDOUARD, born at Gene- va ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil in Geneva of Menn and in Paris of Zarna- cois. Medals : Paris, 2d class, 1872, 1874. Works : A Collector (1870) ; Japanese Ba- zaar ; International Ambulance in the Snow (1872) ; Prisoner's Narrative (1873) ; Con- vent Fountain, Gypsies Travelling, After the Shot (1874) ; At Cairo, Return from Mar- ket, Beggar Monk (1875) ; Gratuitous Con- sultation, Caravan (1876) ; Gypsies travers- ing Simplon Pass, Game at Quoits on Convent Terrace (1877) ; Relays at Hospital on Simplon Pass, Japanese Woman at the Bath (1878); Interrupted Meditation, A Trick (1879) ; Crossing the Frontier, Re- turn from Mountains (1880) ; Little Con- valescent (1881); The Bivouacs (1882); Hamlet on Fire (1883); Christmas Eve (1884); Country Life (1885); The Con- scripts (1886). CAVfi, JULES CYRILLE, born in Paris ; contemporary. History and portrait paint- er, pupil of Bouguereau and Tony Robert- Fleury. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works: A Martyr of the Catacombs, Portrait of Mile. Germaiue S. (1886).

  • CESBRON, ACHILLE. Awarded a 2d

class medal for his Flowers of Sleep and his Lilac Tree, Salon, 1886.

  • CHARNAY, ARMAND. Awarded a 2d

class medal for his Terrace of Chrysanthe- mums at Chateau de Gasthellier, Salon, 1886. CIARDI, GUGLIELMO, born at Treviso ; contemporary. Marine and landscape paint- er in Venice. Gold medal, Berlin, 1886. Works : Malamocco Venice, Calm in the Lagoons, Chioggia (Exhibition, Munich, 1883) ; Messidoro, Spring Clouds (1886).


TOR). Add : Medal, 2d class, 1885. CLEMENS, WILHELM. Genre painter in Munich ; contemporary. Gold medal, Berlin, 1886. Works : Monks Quarrelling (1882) ; Poacher's End (1886). CLEMENTE, Don SALVADOR, born at Cadiz, Spain ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Art School at Cadiz and of Domingo Marques. Works : Cavalier of Court of Louis XIII. ; Sparrow Day at Se- ville ; Volveran las oscuras goloudriuas. La Ilustracion (1883), ii. 131. COESSIN DE LA FOSSE, CHARLES ALEXANDRE, born at Lisieux (Calvados), Sepi 7, 1829. Genre painter, pupil of Pi- cot and Couture. Medal, 3d class, 1873. Works: Theseus (1866), Lisieux Museum ; Man and Fortune (1870); Politics at the Palais Royal 1793 (1873) ; Chanson de Ro- land, Lansquenet (1874) ; Procession of Par- don de Ploumanach (1884) ; Adieus (1885) ; Dressed for the Procession (1886). COOSEMANS, JOSEPH THEODORE, landscape painter in Brussels ; contempo- rary. Order of Leopold. Works : Entrance to Gorge aux loups in Fontainebleau Forest (Exposition universelle, Amsterdam, 1883) ; Road in Heath of Genck, Plateau Belle croix at Fontainebleau (Munich Exhibition, 1883) ; Autumn Landscape (Jubilee Exhibi- tion, Berlin, 1886). CORELLI, AUGUSTO, genre painter in Rome ; contemporary. Gold medals : Ant- werp, 1885 ; Berlin, 1st class, 1886. Works :