Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/556

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SUP PLEMENT pupil of Berlin Academy. Medal, 3d class, Paris, 1885 ; gold medal, Berlin, 1886. Works : Brigands of the Desert (Salon, 1885) ; Hard Fight between Ure-Oxen, End of a Noble of the Forest (Jubilee Exhibi- tion, Berlin, 1886).


Awarded a 2d class medal for Picardy Farm, Court Yard in Auvergne, Salon, 1886. GEBHARDT, KARL, born in Munich, March 23, 1860. History painter, pupil of Loefftz and Lindenschmit at the Munich Academy, where he won several prizes ; then studied in Italy. Medal, Nuremberg, 1879. Works: A Bookworm (1877), owned in America ; Loki and Sigrun (1878) ; Hero and Leander (1879), Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Min- nesinger (1881) ; Death of Virginia (1882) ; Eve by the body of Abel (1883). Ulustr. Zeitg. (1886), i. 109; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 436 ; xviii. 549; xix. 351; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xix. 135. GELHAY, EDOUARD, born at Braisne- sur-Vesle (Aisne) ; contemporary. Portrait and genre painter, pupil of Jules Goupil and of Alexandre Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works: Atelier of Tony Robert- Fleury (1885) ; Foundling Asylum (1886).


works : CEdipus, First Kiss of the Sun (1886). At the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, were sold the following : Vase Seller Cairo, $4,600 ; The Tulip Folly, $6,000 ; Coffee House Cairo, $4,800. GESELSCHAP, FRIEDRICH, born at Wesel, Prussia, May 5, 1835. History paint- er, pupil of Dresden Academy and in Diis- seldorf of Mintrop ; studied in Rome in 1866-71. Professor, member, and sena- tor of Berlin Academy. Great gold medal, Berlin, 1886. Works: Roman Triumphal Procession, Four Cardinal Virtues, Re-erec- tion of German Empire, Allegory on War, do. on Peace, Defence of the Country against Foreign Invaders, Union of North and South through Prussia (1883-87), Arsenal, Berlin ; Decorations on Staircase of Ministry of Commerce, ib. D. illustr. Zeitg. (1886), v. 231 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 314 ; xviii. 451 ; xix. 730. GILBERT, RENE JOSEPH, born in Paris ; contemporary. Genre painter, pu- pil of Alexandre Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : A Bad Blow (1882) ; Sun- day (1885) ; The Tapestry Mender (pastel, 1886).

  • GIRARD, ALBERT. Awarded a 2d

class medal for his La premiere heure Banks of the Seine, Salon, 1886. GREGORY, JAMES ELIOT, born in New York ; contemporary. Portrait and figure painter, pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts and of Carolus-Duran. Studio in Paris. Works: Portraits of Mrs. C. H. Baldwin (1882), of General Cullum (1883), Mrs. E. S. Higgins, Child of W. W. Astor (1884), and Mrs. Sherwood (1885); Co- quetry (1884). GRIDEL, JOSEPH EMTLE, born at Baccarat (Meurthe), Oct. 16, 1839. Animal painter, pupil of Augustin Feyen-Perrin. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : Wounded Boar (1865) ; A Double Blow (1869) ; Re- turn from Boar Hunt in the Vosges (1879) ; Bosnian Bear Exhibitor (1880) ; Capture of a Wild Boar (1886). GROLLERON, PAUL, born at Seignelay (Yonne) ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Leon Bonnat. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works: When the Masters are Away (1874) ; Game of Piquet (1875) ; Each in his Turn (1878) ; W 7 hen the Cat's away the Mice, etc. (1879) ; Episode of 1870 (1881) ; Combat in 1870 under Walls of Paris (1882) ; La partie fine (1883) ; On the Look-out, At Buzenval (1884) ; An Inquiry, Chatillon Oct. 13, 1870 (1885); Episode of the Battle of Loigny (1886). GUETAL, LAURENT, born at Vienne (Isere) ; contemporary. Landscape painter. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : La Berarde- en-Oisans (1882) ; Banks of the Drac (1883) ; Mont- Aiguille and the Valley of Chichilianne- en-Tri6ves in Dauphiny (1884) ; The First Snow (1885) ; Lake of Lechauda in the Hautes-Alpes, A Sea in Winter (1886). 480