Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/58

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KENT-DAY (1843), Opening at the Louvre of the Leg- islative Session in 1823 (1843), Versailles Museum ; Henri d'Albret received into the Chapter at Auch, Amiens Museum ; Land- scape with Factories, Interior of Monastery near Aries, Interior of a Vault, Landscape, do. with Figures, Bordeaux Museum ; In- terior of Basle Cathedral, Colmar Museum ; Vault Interior, Lisieux Museum ; Rocks, Nantes Museum ; Rhine View (1831), Or- leans Museum ; The Antiquary, Leipsic Museum. Bellier, ii. 361. RENT-DAY, Sir DcmdWUkie, John Chap- man (?); canvas. Tenants paying their rent to the landlord, who is seated behind a table Rent-Day, Sir David W.lkie, John Chapman ( at left ; at right, a table with several persons eating ; 18 figures. Painted in 1808 ; sold for 150 to Earl of Mulgrave, after whose death it was offered for sale, but bought in for 750 guineas; afterward sold to J. Chapman for about 2,000. Engraved by A. Raimbach. Heaton, Works of Sir D. W. ; Mollett, 30. RENTZELL, AUGUST VON, born at Ma- rienwerder, West Prussia, in 1810. Genre painter, pupil in Berlin of Karl Begas ; went for some time to Diisseldorf and set- tled in Berlin ; represents comical situations and little fatalities of human life. Works : Cab in Rainstorm claimed by Several Per- sons ; Late Packing (1842); Picture Dealer in Tyrolese Village ; In the Stable ; First Ride ; Sunday Morning ; Alpine Hunter ; Travellers on Austrian Frontier ; Afternoon on Lake Vierwaldstiidt ; Mid-day Rest in the Open, Sleeping Grandmother (1847), Raveno Gallery, Berlin. Rosenberg, Berl. Maler- schule, 70. REPOSE IN EGYPT, Paul Delaroche, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., London. The Vir- gin seated with Infant Jesus asleep on her knees ; in background, St. Joseph. Called sometimes Vierge au lezard. Painted for Lord Hertford. Engraved by Martinet. Larousse, xiii. 995. By Anton van Dyck, Hermitage, St. Pe- tersburg ; canvas, H. 7 ft. x 9 ft. 1 in. Same as the Palazzo Pitti picture, ex- cept that the angels are re- placed by some partridges, whence sometimes called Madonna with the Par- tridges. In Collection of Charles I, valued at 40 ; Collection of M. van Loo, Amsterdam (1713), 12,050 florins ; Collection of M. Valkenburg, Rotterdam (1731), 12,150 florins; bought by Earl of Orford for 800 for Houghton Collection, and sold, with other pictures, to Empress Catherine in 1795 for 36,000. Engraved by S. G. and J. G. Facius ; lithographed by Huoi Guiffrey, 245 ; Smith, iii. 81. By Anton van Dijck, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 1 in. x 3 ft. 6 in. The Vir- gin seated under a tree, with Jesus sleeping on her breast ; at left, St. Joseph. En- graved by Bolswert ; Ragot ; C. Waumans ; Edelinck ; J. Burger. Smith, iii. 17 ; Klas. der Malerei, PI. 13 ; Guiffrey, 244. By Anton van Dyck, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 3 in. x 5 ft. 3 in. The Virgin seated on a bank under trees, hold- ing Jesus erect in her lap, and St. Joseph sitting behind ; their attention is directed