Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/65

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REX (1841), Versailles Museum ; Giotto as a Child (1841), Grenoble Museum ; Ransom of Chris- tians by the Trinitarians, Aix Museum. Bellier, ii. 367 ; Meyer, Gesek, 150 ; Nag- ler, xiii. 68. REX TIBICEN (King Flutist), Jean Louis G'ertime, private gallery, Paris. Frederick the Great, full-length, standing, playing the flute in his cabinet, before a table on which are a music book, writing implements, and papers. The floor is strewn with books and rolls and at the right a hound is lying asleep. Salon, 1876. REYN, JAN DE, born at Dunkirk in 1610, died there in 1678. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, pupil at Ant- werp of Van Dyck, whom ho followed to England, and assisted in bis works, until that master's death, when he returned to his native town. Very probably many of his works, especially portraits, are attrib- uted to his master. Works : The Four Chief Martyrs, St. Eloy's, Dunkirk ; Death of Totila, English Convent, ib. ; Herodias with the Head of St. John, St. Martin's, Bergues, near Dunkirk ; Thetis and Peleus, Madrid Museum ; Female Portrait (1637), Brussels Museum. Kramm, v. 1632. REYNOLDS, Sir JOSHUA, born at Plympton, Devonshire, July 16, 1723, died in London, Feb. 23, 1792. Son of Rev. Samuel Reynolds, master of the grammar school at Plymptou St. Mary, Plymouth. Went to London in 1741 as a pupil of Thomas Hud- son, and after less than two years' study returned home and painted many portraits at a low price. In 1746 he began practice in London, and in 1749 accompanied Com- modore (afterward Lord) Keppcl in the ship Centurion to the Mediterranean. At Rome, where he caught a cold while working in the Sistine Chapel, which made him deaf for the rest of his life, he remained two years ; he then visited other parts of Italy before returning to England via Paris, in October, 1752, and spent three months in Devonshire before settling in London, at first in St. Martin's Lane, where in 1763 he painted the portrait of Commodore Keppel (Collection of Lord Albemarle), which laid the foundation of his fortune. In 1768, on the establishment of the Royal Academy, he was chosen its first president, and was knighted by George HI.; and in 1769, Jan. 2, he delivered his first discourse to the students of the Academy. On the deatli of Allan Ramsay (1784), he became princi- pal painter in ordinary to the king. He exhibited 245 works at the Royal Academy, his contributions averaging eleven annually. He died unmarried, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, near Sir Christopher Wren. Reynolds painted many historical and fancy subjects, but it is as a portrait painter that he excelled all his contemporaries. Ruskiu calls him the " prince of portrait painters " and "one of the seven colourists of the 1 world," placing him with Titian, Giorgione, f Correggio, Tintoretto, Veronese, and Tur- ner. But though his pictures still have a peculiar grace and elegance from the artis- tic pose of the figures and the happy ar- rangement of accessories, many of them have lost their freshness in consequence of his use of fading colours and his experi- ments with fugitive mediums. Among the best preserved of his works arc those in the National Gallery. A collection of Reynolds's works was exhibited in the winter of 1883- 84 at the Grosvenor Gallery, London, in- cluding the following : Portrait of Sir Joshua (1748), Mrs. Gwatkin ; Mrs. Field (1748), I E. R Pearce, Esq.; Caricatures (1751), Duke of Devonshire ; Admiral Keppel (1753), Earl of Albemarle; Lord Cathcart (1754), Earl Cathcart; Lord Brownlow ; Lord Anson (1755), Earl of Lichfield ; Lady Cathcart and her Daughter (1755), Earl Cathcart; Alderman W. Beckford (1755), Duke of Ham- ilton ; Hon. W. Keppel (1758), Earl of Al- bemarle ; Duke of Hamilton (1758), Duke 38