Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/70

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EICCIARELLI F. Cervelli, whom he accompanied to Milan ; resided several years in Florence, Rome, and other Italian cities, studying and executing many works. From Vienna, where he deco- rated the Palace of Schonbrunn, he went to England, in the reign of Queen Anne, and during a ten years' residence painted the chapel at Bulstrode for the Duke of Port- land, the hall of Burlington House, an altar- piece for the chapel of Chelsea College, and other works, some of which are at Hampton Court. In 1718 he returned to Venice, where he lived rich and honoured until his death. With a fertile invention and great facility of execution, Sebastiano excelled in imitating the great masters of the Venetian school, especially Paolo Veronese. There is much grandeur and force in his composi- tions, but they generally want finish ; per- haps because he had more orders than he had time to fill. Among his works in Ven- ice are : Christ appearing to the Holy Wom- en, Academy ; Resurrection, S. Geminiano ; Communion of the Apostles, and St. Domi- uick, Corpus Domini ; Massacre of the In- nocents, Scuola della Carita ; Baptism of Christ, and Apostles' Supper, Capucines ; Madonna with Saints, S. Giorgio Maggiore ; Discovery of the Cross, and Miracle of St. Francis, S. Rocco. Other works : Moses striking the Rock, Magdalen washing the Feet of Christ, Turin Gallery ; Ascension, SS. Apostoli, Rome ; Apostles adoring the Sacrament, S. Giustina, Padua ; Continence of Scipio, Polyxenes before the Tomb of Achilles, Louvre ; Venus Sleeping, National Gallery, London ; A Sacrifice, Similar Sub- ject, Ascension, Dresden Museum ; Tempta- tion of St. Anthony, Schleissheim Gallery ; Battle between Romans and Sabines, Rape of the Sabine / 730 Women, Liech- ' tenstein Gal- lery, Vienna. Ch. Blanc, Ecole venitienne. RICCIARELLI. See Volterra. RICCIO. See Brusasorci. RICCIO, portrait, Raphael, Munich Gal- lery ; wood, H. 1 ft. 9 in. x 1 ft. 4 in.; signed. Bust of a youth of the Riccio family, with straight hair falling from beneath a little black cap ; background, marble columns and a meadow with a wood. Long in pos- session of Riccio family, Florence ; bought from Trautmann, banker, by King Louis of Bavaria. Many of Michelangelo's letters are addressed to Luigi del Riccio, his intimate friend ; but whether this portrait is of that individual in his youth is not certain. Pas- savant, ii. 26. RICHARD, FLEURY FRANgOIS, born at Lyons, Feb. 25, 1777, died at Scully (Rhone), March 14, 1852. History and genre painter, pupil of David, and leader of the older romantic school of art in Lyons. L. of Honour, 1815 ; painter to the King, 1825 ; director of the Lyons School of Art, 1825. Works : St. Blandine (1801); Valentine de Milan (1802); Blind Man's Buff, Francis I, Charles VH. leaving Agnes Sorel (1804) ; Vert- Vert (1804), Lyons Museum; Bayard consecrating his Arms to the Virgin, St. Louis (1807); Henri IV. and Gabrielle d'Es- trt-es, Jacques Molay going to the Scaffold (1808) ; Funeral of Henri IV. in St. Denis, Louis XIV. and Mile, de la Valliere, Mile, de la Valliere as a Carmelite, Gil Bias and Can- on Sedillo (1814) ; Mary Queen of Scots ; Duchesse de Montmorency at the Monas- tery of Moulins (1817), Hermitage of Vau- couleurs (1819), formerly Luxembourg Mu- Montaigne visiting Tasso (1822), Lyons Museum ; Tanneguy-Duchatel saving the Dauphin ; Death of Talmont at Pavia (1823) ; Louis de la Tremouille (1824) ; Comminge and Adelaide (1846). Bellier, ii. 372 ; Larousse ; Meyer, Gesch., 150. RICHARD, THEODORE, born at Millau (Aveyron), Nov. 24, 1782, died at Toulouse, Dec. 10, 1859. Landscape and porcelain painter, pupil of Bertin, Aubry, and Ingres. Medals : 2d class, 1831 ; L. of Honour, 1854. Works : Don Quixote and Sancho, River Tarn, Wood-Choppers, Crossing the Brook, Pic du Midi near Pau, Forest of