Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/81

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RING Father as Avenger (1538), Art Union, ib.; Male Portrait, Berlin Museum. Kugler (Crowe), i. 268; Liibke, Mittelalterliche Kunst in Westfalen, 3G6 ; W. & W., ii. 503 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xii. 257. RING, LUDGER TOM, the younger, born at Miinster after 1521, died at Bruns- wick in 1583 or 1584. German school ; his- tory and portrait painter, son and pupil of Ludwig the elder ; settled in Brunswick, where he obtained the freedom of the city in 1561. Works : Portrait of Doctor Chem- mitzer (1569), Art Union, Mttnster ; others in private collections there ; Marriage at Cana (1562), Berlin Museum ; Portrait of a Lady (miniature), Suermoudt Museum, Aix- la-Chapelle. Kugler (Crowe), i. 268 ; W. & W., ii. 505 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xii. 320. RING, PIETER DE, flourished about 1650-60. Dutch school ; fruit, flower, and still-life painter, and a successful follower of Jan D. de Heem ; master of Guild at Leyden in 1648. Works : Still-Life, Amster- dam Museum ; Vanitas (1650), Berlin Museum ; Table with Oysters, Lobster, and Fruits, Dresden Gallery ; Breakfast Table (2, one dated 1659), Schwerin Gallery. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 520 ; Krainm, v. 1370 527. RIOULT, LOUIS EDOUARD, born at Montdidier (Somme), Oct. 26, 1780, died in Paris, March 10, 1855. Genre painter, pu- pil of David and Regnault. Won second grand prix in 1814. First exhibited in 181 9 ; soon after, having lost the use of his right hand, he learned to paint with his left. Medals: 2d class, 1844; 1st class, 1838. Works : Endymion Asleep (1822); Angelica rescued by Roger (1824), Compiegne Palace ; School Boy giving his lunch to a Poor Mau (1824) ; Women Bathing (1827) ; Calabrian Brigand (1829); Going into the Bath (1831); Bath at the Fountain (1834) ; Torregiano, Two Girls in a Boat (1835); St. Jerome Pray- ing, Two Girls in a Bath (1836) ; Siege of Ostend (1837), Versailles Museum; Girl with a Goat, Magdalen (1838) ; Death of Chevalier d'Assas, Girl with Dogs (1841) ; Visitation, Diana Bathing, Leda Bathing, Woman Bathing with a Zephyr, Wounded Love (1850); Battle of Hastcmbeck, 1757, Portraits of the Grand Condi', and his Wife, of Philip V. of Spain, Princesse de Lam- balle, Count and Countess of Albany, Ma- dame de Genlis, and twenty-one others, Versailles Museum ; Little Savoyard Asleep, Douai Museum ; Dorine and Tartuffe, Mou- targis Museum ; Aurora, Saint-foienne Mu- seum. Bellier, ii. 384 ; D. KunstbL (1851), 188 ; Larousse. RIPOSO, IL. See Ttyow in Egypt. RISSE, ROLAND, born in Cologne in 1835. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Karl Sohn, Schadow and Bendemann ; visited afterwards Munich, Dresden, the Nether- lands, and Paris. Works : Christ before Pilate (1856) ; Christ with a Dove (1858) ; Christ presenting a Child as Example to his Disciples (1862) ; Johanna Sebus (1864) ; Snowdrop and the Dwarfs (1866); Sleeping Beauty (1867); Cinderella (1868); Last Days of Pompeii ; Ophelia ; God and Bayadere ; Portraits of 11 Members of Academy Senate in Tdbiugen (1878). Mailer, 441. RITCHIE, ALEXANDER HAY, born in Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 14, 1822. Por- trait and genre painter, and engraver ; stud- ied under Sir William Allen in the Royal In- stitution, Edinburgh. Removed in 1841 to New York, where he has since lived. Elect- ed N.A. in 1871. Works : Washington and his Generals ; Death of Lincoln ; Mercy at the Wicket Gate ; Fitting out Moses for the Fair; Baby, who's that? Portraits: Presi- dent McCosh and Professors Charles Hodge and H. M Alexander of Princeton College (1881). RTTTER, EDUARD, born in Vienna in 1808, died there in 1853. Genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy. Works : Scene in Peasant Family (1838), Country People around Well (1846), Sick Bugle-Player