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      There were pomegranates fair
      Grown in Persia's soft air,
And tortillas from Mexico found there;
      And there did appear
      Grapes and grains from Korea,
And all of the things that abound there.

      A Syrian date
      Did not turn up too late;
He need not for tea to Japan go;
      Tamerinds were not few,
      There were oranges too,
And from India many a mango.

      "Now," thought little Jack,
      "What shall I send back
To these lands for their presents to me?
      The Bible, indeed,
      Is what they all need
So that shall go over the sea."


Gospel, Spread the—See Story, Power of the Old.


Mr. Nagota, Japanese pastor of the Episcopal Church in Tsu, gives the following account of his conversion to Christianity: A colporteur was trying to persuade a soldier to buy a gospel. He was rebuffed by gross insults and most uncalled for anger. The colporteur bore the indignity with so much meekness that Mr. Nagota, who chanced to be passing by, was amazed, and bought the gospel for the sake of the maligned man. He took the little volume home and read it carefully, and through reading, became a Christian.



A striking illustration of this is found in the history of the noted African chief, Africaner, notorious in his day until reached by the gospel:

In 1819, finding it necessary to go to Cape Town, Moffat determined to take Africaner with him, attired as his attendant. The chief was an outlaw, with a price of one thousand rix-dollars upon his head, but finally agreed tc go. As they passed through the Dutch farms on his way, Moffat found that he was supposed to have been long before murdered by Africaner. One man told him that he had seen Moffat's bones. Moffat told a farmer that Africaner (the chief being still in disguise) he knew to be a truly good man. This the man could not credit, and said that his one wish was to see that terror before he himself should die; whereupon Moffat turned and said quietly, pointing to his mild attendant, "This, then, is Africaner." The farmer, looking at the Christian man before him, exclaimed: "O God, what a miracle of Thy power! What can not Thy grace accomplish!"

That which Africaner exhibited of the power of the gospel in character, is shown by a host of redeemed ones, such as Jerry McAuley, who through their careers, have magnified the power that saved them.—"Gloria Christi."


Gospel Truth Written in Faces—See Face, The, Revealing the Gospel.

Gossip—See Other Side, The.


Grace in human agents is manifested in doing the good we are under no just obligation to do:

The Plymouth Congregational Church, of Cleveland, Ohio, years ago built themselves a beautiful church edifice. The contractor drew the money due for work done, and instead of paying his workmen, left for parts unknown, carrying the funds with him. These workmen had not a shadow of a claim upon the trustees, and expected nothing from them. But thirteen hundred dollars were due them from the absconded contractor, and they needed the money. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Collins, said to his people: "True, we do not owe these men a farthing; still, let us make an effort to give them what their dishonest employer owes them, and never let it be said that unrequited toil went into the rearing of this temple of the Most High." And all the people said, Amen. The laborers went that night to their homes rejoicing, carrying their lost and found pieces of silver with them.


See Law and Grace.


Touch a piece of black coal, and flaky soot falls off; fuse that coal with fire, and nature makes it impossible for the carbon to throw off blackness, but only light and heat. One of the biggest facts in human experience is this, that a new heart is possible for bad