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the United States are banded together against this disease, and more than 2,000 clubs are taking a special interest in the crusade. Not less than $500,000 is raised annually by them for tuberculosis work, besides millions that are secured through their efforts in State and municipal appropriations.


Over 4,000,000 churchgoers, nearly 40,000 sermons and preachers, and more than 1,250,000 pieces of literature, are some of the totals given in a preliminary report issued by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, of the results of the first National Tuberculosis Sunday ever held, on April 24, 1910.

The report states that fully one-eighth of the 33,000,000 listed communicants of the churches of the United States heard the gospel of health on Tuberculosis Sunday, and that the number of people who were reached by notices and sermons printed in the newspapers will aggregate 25,000,000. Hardly a paper in the country failed to announce the occasion.


Tumbles Unimportant—See Defeat.

Turn About Fair Play—See Tongue, The.

Type, Fixt—See Environment, Adaptation to.


Suppose we had Christ's spirit as an ideal would we not also develop a distinct type? It is this type that is going to conquer the world.

It is said of the actors in the Oberammergau play that through loyalty to ideals the villagers have developed distinct types—the Christ type, the apostle type.
