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made known to the world through the divine teacher. At Jacob's well in the center of Palestine He declared Himself to be the water of life. Those who drink from natural fountains of water will thirst again, and the strength they gain, the refreshing they receive, will only be temporary. Those who come to drink of the true water of life will receive spiritual refreshing. This life-*giving water takes away all foulness from the soil of the soul, by purifying it, by sweetening it, by enriching it. The weeds of sin in the soul are best destroyed not by the infusion of something more noxious, but by the infilling of the sweet graces of life.


One of the most interesting creatures of California's great desert is the tortoise. Frequently a school of them, that we usually think of only in connection with water, are discovered afar out in the desert where water is scarce and difficult to obtain. Dissection shows that in a convenient place upon their body is located a pair of large water-sacks. These the owner fills with water as needed and in this way it is kept supplied.

The man who has acquired character and experience so that he has moral and spiritual reservoirs within is equipped for every emergency. (Text.)


At Huntsville, Ala., is a spring that supplies the whole town with an abundance of pure, fresh water. But the wonder of it all is that the flow of it is made to operate a wheel that pumps the water into the homes of the people.

The supply of water is the power of the water supply. God, who is the water of life, also sends all we need for the operation of all activities. (Text.)


The sources of the soul's water of life is in the hill-springs, but one may have to go down into the depths to find it, as these divers bring up fresh water out of the ocean:

The hottest region on earth is on the south western coast of Persia, where Persia borders the gulf of the same name. For forty consecutive days in the months of July and August the thermometer has been known not to fall lower than 100 degrees, night or day, and to often run up as high as 128 degrees in the afternoon. At Bahrin, in the center of the torrid part of the torrid belt, as tho it were nature's intention to make the region as unbearable as possible, no water can be obtained from digging wells one hundred to two hundred or even five hundred feet deep, yet a comparatively numerous population contrive to live there, thanks to copious springs which break forth from the bottom of the gulf, more than a mile from shore. The water from these springs is obtained by divers, who dive to the bottom and fill goat-skins with the cooling liquid and sell it for a living. The source of these submarine fountains is thought to be in the green hills of Osman, some five or six hundred miles away.—Public Opinion.


See Surface Lives; Springs of Life.

Waters, Lake—See Renewal.

Waters, Tempestuous—See Adversity.


Years ago a young man in Providence, R. I., took up a loose leaf of a Bible to use for a wrapping. "Don't use that," said a friend, "it contains the words of life." The young man put the leaf in his pocket. Later, taking it out again, he said, "I will see what kind of life it is that that leaf tells about." The words in Daniel 12:13 caught his eye, and he read, "But go thou thy way till the end be, for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." "I wonder what my way is and where it will end?" he asked himself, and the reflection at length led him to a new life.


Way, Knowing The—See Familiarity.


Could I but know each step that I
  Must tread unto the end;
Were I to have life's devious chart,
  Complete, placed in my hand,
With every burden there portrayed,
  And every task well planned,
The joys to know, the griefs to bear,
  The causes to defend,
How automatic life would be!