Page:Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers, containing facts, incidents, stories, experiences, anecdotes, selections, etc., for illustrative purposes, with cross-references; (IA cyclopediaofillu00scotrich).pdf/835

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Heart, The. Rom. 10:10—With the heart man believeth, &c.

Healing Waters. Psalm 46:4—A river, the streams whereof shall make glad, &c.

Heaven our Home. Heb. 13:14—For here we have no continuing city.

Heights, Pressing toward. Psalm 121:1—I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, &c.

Help for the Helpless. Matt. 11:28-30—Come unto me, &c.

Helpfulness. Rom. 12:13—Distributing to the necessity of saints, &c.;
  Luke 21:1, 2—Casting in two mites.

Heredity. Jer. 31:29, 30—The fathers have eaten sour grapes, &c.

Heroism. Acts 17:26—And hath made of one blood, &c.

Higher, the. Mark 10:29. There is no man that hath left house, &c.

Higher Law, the. Esther 4:16—I will go in unto the king, &c.

Homage. Phil. 2:9—That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, &c.

Homage to Christ. Rev. 4:10—Cast their crowns, &c.

Home. Hab. 2:5—He is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, &c.

Home where the Heart is. Eph. 1:14—Which is the earnest of our inheritance, &c.;
  Heb. 13:14—For here we have no continuing city, &c.

Homesickness. 2 Cor. 5:4—For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, &c.

Hope. Rom. 8:24, 25—We are saved by hope, &c.

Hope Deferred. Prov. 13:12—Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.

Hospitality in Old Times. Heb. 13:2—Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, &c.

House, the Mortal. 2 Cor. 5:1—For ye know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved, &c.

Human Nature, Insecurity of. 2 Sam. 22:47—God the rock of my salvation.

Human Nature, Much Alike. Acts 17:26—Hath made of one blood, &c.

Humble Work. 1 Cor. 12:14-21—In the law it is written, &c.

Humility. 1 Peter 5:6—Humble yourself therefore under, &c.;
  Luke 18:14—He that humbleth himself, &c.;
  Luke 23:42—Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom, &c.;
  John 13:5-15—Began to wash the disciples' feet.

Humor Overdone. Prov. 17:22—A merry heart doeth good, &c.

Hymn, A Good. Matt. 11:28—Come unto me, all ye that labor, &c.

Hypocrisy. Numbers 32:23—Your sin will find you out.


Ideal, the, Attempted. Isa. 11:9—Nor hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, &c.

Identification. John 10:3—He calleth his own sheep by name, &c.

Idleness. Eph. 5:16—Redeeming the time, &c.

Ignorance. Hosea 4:6—My people are destroyed, &c.;
  Psalm 55:22—Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.

Ill-fortune Becoming Good Fortune. Deut. 28:13—And the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail, &c.

Image of God Reproduced. 2 Cor. 3:10—Changed into the same image, &c.

Imagery of the Mind. Ezek. 8:12—Every man in the chambers of his imagery, &c.

Imagination, Lure of. James 1:14—Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lusts, &c.

Imitation. 2 Cor. 3:18—Changed into the same image, &c.

Imitation of God. Matt. 5:45—That ye may be the children, &c.

Immigration. Matt. 25:35-38, 43—For I was an hungered, &c.

Immortality. Isa. 26:19—Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise;
  Prov. 16:31—The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness.

Immortality, Intimations of. John 14:3—And if I go and prepare a place for you, &c.

Immortality of Influence. Heb. 11:4—He being dead yet speaketh.

Immortality, Proof of. Rom. 2:7—To them who . . . seek for . . . immortality, eternal life.

Imperfections Corrected. Eph. 2:21—In whom the whole building fitly framed together, &c.

Impress. Prov. 22:6—Train up a child in the way he should go, &c.

Improvement. Psalm 112:2—His seed shall be mighty upon earth; the generation of the righteous shall be blessed.

Improving Time. Eph. 5:16—Redeeming the time.

Incentives. Matt. 7:14—Strait is the gate, &c.