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ſports of the Hare-chace. But, as the Author of the firſt of theſe Treatiſes juſtly obſerves, in many inſtances the various kinds of hunting are cloſely connected, and whatever be the game purſued, every Huntſman is equally intereſted in the breeding and education of the Hound, the nature of the ſcent, and the general rules of the chace. And, perhaps, both the Active and the Literary may pay ſome deference to opinions backed by the authority of ſo reſpectable a name as that of Xenophon, who did not diſdain to write a Treatiſe on Hunting. Though he conſiders that exerciſe as a proper ſchool for forming the warrior, he evidently gives the preference to Hare-hunting. Speaking of the Hare, he avows his attachment to the pleaſure of hunting her in
