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proves that, in the time of Xenophon, Greyhounds were not known in Greece, I ſhall tranſlate ſo much of him as ſhews the mode of courſing among the Antient Gauls, which will be found nearly ſimilar to that practiſed at the preſent time.

In regard to my tranſlation, I muſt beg leave to diſſent from the Critical Review of this Work on its firſt publicatin. I am there cenſured for adopting the technical Hunting Language of the preſent day; but, beſides the curioſity of perceiving that the hunting phraſes, and even the hollows, of the Antient Greek ſportſman, exactly reſembled thoſe of the modern Engliſh one,it will be found impoſſible to render the original at all intelligible in a tranſlation by any other means. I think the notes on the following pages will fully ſhew, that it is very difficult for a general Greek ſcholar to
