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Hare Hunting, from Xenophon.

When they will not keep by the nets, but run ſtraggling about, they ſhould be called back till they are taught to run up and find the Hare; leſt, being uſed to hunt without order, they become Γίγνωνται ἔκκυνοι ſkirters, which is a bad thing to learn.

When they [1] find any thing while they are young, it ſhould be given them to eat near the nets, that if by reaſon of their careleſſneſs they ſhould ſtray during the chace, they may return thither, and not be loſt; but this may be omitted when, becoming more eager in purſuing the game, they prefer that to their food. And when they want their food, the Huntſman himſelf ſhould feed them, for they will not regard the perſon who feeds them when they are in no great need of food, but will diligently follow him who gives it them when they are very hungry.

  1. For ὅταν ἀναιρῶνται, Leunclave reads ὅταν εὑρώσι τι