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'Tis a proof of love !

De Guiche

[showing some sealed papers].

Here are the marching orders ; they will be sent instantly to each company - except -

[He detaches one.]

-This one ! 'Tis that of the Cadets.

[He puts it in his pocket.]

This I keep. [Laughing.] Ha ! ha ! ha ! Cyrano ! His love of battle ! ... So you can play tricks on people ? . . . you, of all ladies !


Sometimes !

De Guiche

[coming close to her].

Oh ! how I love you ' to distraction ! Listen ! To-night - true, I ought to start - but - how leave you now that I feel your heart is touched ! - Listen ! Hard by, in the Rue d'Orléans, is a convent founded by Father Athanasius, the syndic of the Capuchins. True that no layman may enter but I can settle that with the good Fathers ! - Their habit-sleeves are wide enough to hide me in. 'Tis they who serve Richelieu's private chapel : and from respect to the uncle, fear the nephew. All will deem me gone. I will come to you, masked. Give me leave to wait till to-morrow, sweet Lady Fanciful !


But, if this be rumoured, your glory . . .