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Příhody” (Minor Incidents), “Pestré Povídky” (Motley Tales), “Z Brdských Lesů” (From the Brd Forests), “Válečné Sny Františka Poláka” (War Dreams of Frank Polák), “Vášeň a Osud” (Passion and Fate).

His brief romances, entitled “Srdce Její Vzkvétalo Vždy Dvěma Květy” (Her Heart Ever Bloomed with Two Blossoms) and “Až Ledy Poplují” (When the Ice Flows), have been very popular.

The ability of the author as a realist possessed of the keenest dramatic instinct, expressed by an art so great that it is wholly unapparent is shown in this simp tale of a soldier of the Hapsburg army “Every Fifth Man," is selected from his “War Dreams of Frank Polák.”