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fighting and in movement. It symbolizes the dialectic posed by positive and negative forces, order and chaos, the true and the contrived, life and death. As in an oracle, priests made a consultation and two men or two teams of five players each, found the answer in the random outcome of the game. There were other ancient games, in which the physical prowess and intellectual agility were combined, the knowledge of religion and faith.

Night Eagle and Dawn deer, as well as the litter of puppies, that entered at the same time the House of young people, were reaching the physical wholeness and instruction.

Especially Night Eagle, he had imprinted a special seal to his generation. As the leader, Night Eagle inspired an everyday example among their colleagues and their relationship with Smoky mirror that was felt throughout the group.

Then the time came to teach the youngsters standards and ancient laws of the community. Smoky mirror during a training session began by saying:

—"Here is the story
That the elders used to tell:
During a certain time
that no one can count anymore.
Of which no one can remember anymore
who came here to sow
the grandparents, the grandmothers,
they, it is said.
They arrived, came
followed the road,
they came to finish it,
to govern here on this earth,
with a single name was known,
as if this had turned into a small world.
On water in their boats they came,