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Life at the House of measure was very intense and full of obligations. The priests and teachers were more demanding and rigorous, than in the House of young people. The knowledge taught here, in principle was on what they learned in "The House of youth", the difference was that in the new institution, students were taught in greater depth and in a more personalized way.

Priests deepened on the philosophical meaning of religion and understood that the rites had already been learned in the youth House. In one of the first teaching sessions “Viento del Norte (North wind), the Supreme priest spoke to the students:

—Is our duty to teach them to you the augustan mysteries of our religion. Everything in the world has "form and substance". Everything is made up of a visible and invisible part. The unit is made up of a complementing and opposing pair. Thus we have; day and night, cold and hot, positive and negative... life and death. The old grandparents many bundles of years ago, which today no one can remember; bequeathed our religion, the spiritual heritage of the people. It is an instrument that gives us balance and guide, to make our time on Earth more positive and transcendental.

Our religion holds deep within, immeasurable truths and wonderful standards of conduct, that enable people to live in balance and harmony, first with himself, then with the other living beings in the world, whether these are: stars, mountains, people, animals, trees or insects. Because for the old grandparents, all living beings in the world are all equal in as long as: we are alive, we feel and are going to die. So that our religion is the path where the spirit find the means to express and people the point of communion, of the most genuine aspiration of its existence. Religion is the wisdom legacy of the old grandparents to the people. Thus the old grandparents left us knowledge between rites and stories, divinities and parables. Knowledge given in a simple and