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Other basic concepts of religion prevail, as the existence of thirteen mythical spaces from earth to the top of the sky; earth’s surface symbolized by a huge alligator. And the underworld constituted by nine spaces; a place that is the origin, the "original house". A paradise related with the water Lord and the place representing the highest human aspiration. "The House of the Sun", a place without suffering, nor death; The House of the Lord who invents himself, the Invisible, the Impalpable, the giver of life... symbolized by "The Sun" and that in turn is symbolically represented by an eagle.

However, the fundamental stone on which our ancestor’s religion was built is found in the two key figures: the Lord of the water and the Lord of the wind; also depicted as the Feathered Serpent.

The "water divinity" is a way of representing the life phenomenon. The "wind divinity" is a way to symbolize human wisdom. In this way, life is preceded by the breath of consciousness, which gives wisdom; as the fertile rain on Earth, it is preceded by the winds that announce it.

The old grandparents had two great lines of knowledge. One was male: exact, perfect, immutable... celestial mechanics. The other was feminine: kind, capricious, sustaining... nature. From the attentive observation of the sky and nature, over hundreds of bundles of years, they managed to learn its secrets and mysteries.

This is how the old grandparents learned that the universe is only made up of two kinds of energy. Thus in all religion and social life, it is always represented. This pair of energies is opposed, but at the same time complemented, forming the unit.