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What I have said, my child I give you for your doctrine, so you know your value; and with this I do with you is what I must in front of God; and if you lose or forget it, is at your own risk, I already did my duty. Oh my very beloved child, eldest daughter little dove, you are blessed and may our Lord keep in his peace and rest!

At the end of the feast Night Eagle asked the high priest, who had invented these speeches; Night lightning said:

—For many bundles of years, which today no one can remember, the old grandparents left their wisdom so that the men lived in harmony and balance. These truths and many others, that you do not now know, are the most important legacy of our ancestors and we named them as a whole: Toltecáyotl. Despite the time they are still current and will continue, because the heart of the human being does not change.

The Florid Battle is and will remain the same. In life one does not have to be "bad" to fall into the abyss of human degradation. It is enough to just break "loose", in relieving the spiritual force that sustains us in the world, so that the inertia of matter, quickly takes us to the hell of our stupidity.

Women and men make up the unit, a pair opposite and complementing. What one has, the other is inversely missing. Each needs the other, to live and achieve wholeness and harmony.

The old grandparents left us for eternity this and other knowledge in the friezes. You must observe them carefully. For the profane eyes they are only drawings or decorative engravings. For us, means a permanent reminder of our knowledge, a way of life, that helps us get closer to virtue, —and while saying this, Night lightning pointed to the friezes that decorated the wall of the House of measure where they were arriving at the time.