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is associated to women; intuition, night and moisture, to the impalpable and invisible and that belong to the unknown world, of ourselves and the universe.

But men of the Fifth Sun have a fifth point, a fifth position... the top and the bottom! This represents one of the greatest knowledge of our old and wise grandparents. Men are not prisoner of the four directions of earth. Men can exalt his existence and soar to the bright heights of celestial origin through wisdom; or can degrade in the depths of matter, prisoner of his stupidity.

This message is present in all the symbols from the very origin of time. All our buildings are composed of five parts. Four rooms around a patio and small buildings in the center. Four sets of buildings around a large square and a few buildings in the center. Our pyramids usually have four sections and a building at the top; and if you look at a pyramid from above or a plan view, you will appreciate five concentric squares. The "Five flower" symbol means the same; four petals and a central part. The "five points" can be seen in our textiles, pottery, codices and everything that surrounds us. This is the symbol; the real challenge... is to embody it!

The second symbol of which today I want to talk to you about, is about certain animals that the old grandparents taught us to use. One of the limitations we humans have to talk about the secret and unmentionable is that feelings are much larger than ideas and these are larger than words. There are many hidden knowledge of the Toltec grandparents, which we cannot express in words. That is why, for many bundles of years, those who preceded us, used symbols and animals to refer to the unpronounceable. The "Artists of the interior stone", the Toltec, preferred poetry as means of spiritual expression, because they well knew that the soul, better listens to "the flower and song"; poetry is the means, the goal is the spirit. The warriors of this florid battle also