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Bishop Richard Allen and His Spirit

for a dispensation to operate in the State of Pennsylvania, which petition was granted on March 29, 1797, or 27 days afterward by the Provincial Grand Master, Prince Hall, who informed them that the Grand Lodge was “willing to set them at work under a copy of their charter and Lodge, 459 from London. Under that authority and by the same name of African Lodge, 459, Philadelphia, Penna., we hereby and hereon give license to assemble and work as aforesaid under that denomination as in the sight and fear of God.” At a meeting, June 24, 1797, Grand Master Prince Hall of Massachusetts granted a warrant to Philadelphia Lodge and the following officers were elected: Rev. Absalom Jones, W.M.; Peter Mantore, S.W.; Wm. Harding, J.W.; Peter Richmond, Secretary; Richard Allen, Treasurer; Jas. Forten, S.D.; Richard Parker, J.D.; Thomas Dupree, Tiler. These were duly installed by Grand Master Prince Hall, assisted by Grand Senior Warden Cyrus Forbes, and Grand Junior Warden Geo. Middleton, September 22, 1797. This lodge held regular meetings at 155 Lombard Street, Philadelphia. The lodge’s tenth annual sermon was preached by Rev. Richard Allen at St. Thomas Epis