Page:Daniel Minort Baxter - Bishop Richard Allen and His Spirit (1923).pdf/69

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Bishop Richard Allen and His Spirit

elder by Bishop Richard Allen and then returned home and organized an African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina; in a short while had over 1500 members, but just when the Southern branch of our church was gaining, an insurrection broke out in South Carolina led by Negroes named Denmark Veasey and Gullah Jack. The church of Allen being an independent organization into whose affairs no white person dabbled, therefore, Morris Brown and his followers were suspected as being particeps criminis; whereupon white friends advised Morris Brown to leave his native city He was placed on a ship and came to Philadelphia where he preached the gospel and carried on a boot and shoemaking business. He worked hard and well and succeeded and grew in the favor of God and the brethren, so that he was elected the second Bishop of our church, and after him Edward Waters was elected third Bishop. But the work was yet too small to give each Bishop a diocese of his own, it was not until Bishop Quinn, Nazrey and Payne's time, the work was divided into dioceses. Bishop Allen and Brown being able to hold all the conferences and then have time to spare, so Bishop