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one of them, if they had been double the number.

Now it happened, just as Mrs Rooney had helped his reverence to the first cut of the pig's head which was placed before her, beautifully bolstered up with white savoys, that the bride gave a sneeze which made every one at the table start, but not a soul said "God bless us." All thinking that the priest would have done so, as he ought if he had done his duty, no one wished to take the word out of his mouth, which unfortunately was preoeoupied with pig's head and greens. And after a moment's pause the fun and merriment of the bridal feast went on without the pious benedietion.

Of this eircumstance both Billy and his master were no inattentive speetators from their exalted stations. Ha! exelaimed the little man, throwing one leg from under him with a joyous flourish, and his eye twinkled with a strange light, whilst his eyebrows became elevated into the eurvature of Gothic arehes-Ha! said he, leering down at the bride, and then up at Billy, I have half of her now, surely. Let her sneeze but twiee more, and she is mine, in spite of priest, mass-book and Darby Riley.

Again the fair Bridget sneezed; but it was so gently, and she blushed so much, that few except the little man took, or seemed to take,