Page:Dante and the early astronomers (1913).djvu/33

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northern hemisphere; when he is in the most southerly, it is summer in the south. (See Map).

This north and south motion of the sun may be noted more directly in another way. Seen from any given place on the earth, each star rises and sets at the same points of the horizon always, and has the same course in the sky; but the rising and setting points of the sun, which on about the 21st of March
Fig. 1. The Sun's path in the sky at different seasons.
are due east and west, travel daily further north, and the sun mounts daily higher in northern skies until about the 20th of June; then he returns towards the south, passing the east and west points again about September 23, and reaches his furthest point south about December 21. (The dates vary slightly owing to Leap Year). The dates on which the sun reaches his furthest north and furthest south points in this yearly journey are called the "solstices," because his motion seems to be checked, and he pauses or "stands" before