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It there befell as I the fields did range
Feareleſſe and free, a faire young Lioneſſe,
White as the natiue Roſe before the chanuge,
Which Venus blood did in her leaues impreſſe,
I ſpied playing on the graſſie playne
Her youthfull ſports and kindlie wantonneſſe,
That did all other Beaſts in beawtie ſtaine.

Much was I moued at ſo goodly ſight;
Whoſe like before mine eye had ſeldome ſeene,
And gan to caſt, how I her compaſſe might,
And bring to hand, that yet had neuer beene:
So well I wrought with mildnes and with paine,
That I her caught diſporting on the grene,
And brought away faſt bound with ſiluer chaine.

And after wards I handled her ſo fayre,
That though by kind ſhee ſtout and ſaluage were,
For being borne an auncient Lions haire,
And of the race, that all wild beaſtes do feare;
Yet I her fram’d and wan ſo to my bent,
That ſhee became ſo meeke and milde of cheare,
As the leaſt lamb in all my flock that went.

For ſhee in field, where euer I did wend,
Would wend with me, and waite by me all day:
And all the night that I in watch did ſpend,
If cauſe requir’d, or els in ſleepe, if nay,
Shee would all night by mee or watch, or ſleepe.
And euermore when I did ſleepe or play,
She of my flock would take full warie keepe.

Safe then and ſafeſt were my ſillie ſheepe,
Ne fear’d the Wolfe, ne fear’d the wildeſt beaſt: