Page:Dapples of the Circus (1943).pdf/190

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Pickles and Beany rubbed their eyes and looked at him wonderingly. Then both came down from the fence with a spring, as did the other boys.

"Hello, Freckles, old top; put it there," cried Pickles.

"Me too," said Beany. "We are mighty glad to see you. We have been here since three o'clock, but we didn't think you were with the show. We didn't know what had become of you when we saw that Leslie Atherton chap was a-driving Sir Wilton.

"We was afraid you was dead. We read about the wreck."

"No," said Freckles gleefully. "I ain't dead. I thought I had told you fellers that I had a circus name. They all does. I guess I forgot to write you that. But I am mighty glad to see you fellers. I tell you, boys, the old town does look good. It has made me feel mighty queer coming back here again. Me and Sir Wilton thinks the world of each other, and I