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Rubén Darío published the following books:—

Primeras notas: Epístolas y poemas, 1885 (later reprinted with the title of Epístolas y poemas only); Abrojos, 1887; Azul . . ., 1888; Rimas, 1889; Prosas profanas, 1896; reprinted with additions, 1900; Cantos de vida y esperanza, Los cisnes y otros poemas, 1905; Oda a Mitre, 1906; El canto errante, 1907; Poema del otoño y otros poemas, 1910; Canto a la Argentina y otros poemas, 1910.

In prose he published, besides Azul . . ., which contains short stories together with the poems, A. de Gilbert, a pamphlet written at the death of his friend the Chilean poet Pedro Balmaceda, 1889; Los Raros, a collection of literary portraits including Verlaine, Tolstoi, Ibsen, Edgar Poe, and others, 1893; reprinted with additions, 1905; Castelar, an article on the Spanish orator, reprinted soon after in the next book (1900); La España contemporánea, a series of articles on Spain, with special reference to the new literary movement, 1901; Peregrinaciones, 1901; La caravana pasa, 1903; Tierras solares, 1904: three books of travel; Opiniones, a collection of literary criticisms, 1906; Parisiana, a collection of articles, mainly about
