Page:Darwin - On the movements and habits of climbing plants.djvu/5

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twenty-seventh revolution our lower internode was 8⅜, the penultimate 3½, and ultimate 2½ inches in length; and the inclination of the whole shoot was such, that a circle 19 inches in diameter was swept by it. When the movement ceased, the lower internode was and the penultimate 6 inches in length; so that, from the twenty-seventh to thirty-seventh revolutions inclusive, three internodes were at the same time revolving.

The lower internode, when it ceased revolving, became upright and rigid; but as the whole shoot continued to grow unsupported, it became nearly horizontal, the uppermost and growing internodes still revolving at the extremity, but of course no longer round the old central point of the supporting stick. From the change in the position of the centre of gravity of the revolving extremity, a slight and slow swaying movement was given to the long and horizontally projecting shoot, which I mistook at first for a spontaneous movement. As the shoot grew, it depended more and more, whilst the growing and revolving extremity turned itself up more and more.

With the Hop we have seen that three internodes were at the same time revolving; and this was the case with most of the plants observed by me. With all, if in full health, two revolved; so that by the time one had ceased, that above it was in full action, with a terminal internode just commencing to revolve. With Hoya carnosa, on the other hand, a depending shoot, 32 inches in length, without any developed leaves, and consisting of seven internodes (a minute terminal one, an inch in length, being counted), continually, but slowly, swayed from side to side in a semicircular course, with the extreme internodes making complete revolutions. This swaying movement was certainly due to the movement of the lower internodes, which, however, had not force sufficient to swing the whole shoot round the central supporting stick. The case of another Asclepiadaceous plant, viz. Ceropegia Gardnerii is worth briefly giving. I allowed the top to grow out almost horizontally to the length of 31 inches; this now consisted of three long internodes, terminated by two short ones. The whole revolved in a course opposed to the sun (the reverse of that of the Hop), at rates between 5 h. 15 m. and 6 h. 45 m. for each revolution. Hence, as the extreme tip made a circle of above 5 feet (or 62 inches) in diameter and 16 feet in circumference, the tip travelled at the rate (assuming the circuit to have been completed in six hours) of 32 or 33 inches per hour. The weather being hot, the plant was allowed to stand on my study-table; and it was an interesting