Page:Darwin Journal of Researches.djvu/529

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  • Abbott, Mr., on spiders, 35
  • Aborigines banished from Van Diemen's Land, 447
  • ———— of Australia, 433 to 450
  • Abrolhos, 14
  • Absence of trees in Pampas, 46
  • Aconcagua, volcano of, 253, 291
  • Actinia, stinging species, 464
  • Africa, Southern part desert, yet supports large animals, 85
  • Agouti, habits of, 69
  • Ague common in Peru, 365
  • Albemarle Island, 376
  • Allan, Dr., on Diodon, 14
  • ———— on Holuthuriæ, 465
  • Allurium, saliferous, in Peru, 364
  • ———, stratified, in Andes, 315
  • Amblyrhynchus, 385, 394
  • Anas, species of, 199
  • Animalculæ. see Infusoria
  • Antarctic islands, 248
  • Antipodes, 417
  • Ants at Keeling island, 456
  • —— in Brazil, 34
  • Apires, or miners, 340
  • Aplysia, 6
  • Apple-trees, 297
  • Aptenodytes demersa, 199
  • Areas of alternate movements in the Pacific and Indian oceans, 480
  • Armadilloes, habits of, 95
  • —————, fossil animals allied to, 130, 155
  • Arrow-heads, ancient, 105, 357
  • Ascension, 491
  • Aspalax, blindness of, 52
  • Athene, 70, 125
  • Atolls, 465
  • Attagis, 94
  • Atwater, Mr., on the prairies, 118
  • Audubon, M., on smelling-power of carrion-hawks, 184
  • Australia, 431
  • Australian barrier, 474
  • Azara on spiders, 36, 38
  • ——— on rain in La Plata, 47
  • Azara on range of carrion-hawks, 59
  • ——— on habits of carrion-hawks, 57
  • ——— on a thunder-storm, 61
  • ——— on ostrich-eggs, 91
  • ——— on bows and arrows, 105
  • ——— on new plants springing up, 119
  • ——— on great droughts, 1 33
  • ——— on hydrophobia, 353
  • Bachman, Mr., on carrion-hawks, 185
  • Bahia Blanca, 76 to 105
  • Bahia, Brazil, 11
  • ———, scenery of, 495
  • Balbi on coral reefs, 470
  • Bald Head, Australia, 450
  • Ballenar, Chile, 349
  • Banda Oriental. 39, 142
  • Banks's Hill, 210
  • Barking-bird, 288
  • Basaltic platform of Santa Cruz, 180
  • Bathurst, Australia, 442
  • Bats, vampire, 22
  • Bay of Islands, New Zealand, 417
  • Beads', hill of, 149
  • Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, 217
  • Beech-trees, 235, 281
  • Beetles alive in sea, 159
  • ———, dung-feeders, 490
  • ——— at St. Julian, 170
  • ——— in brackish water, 22
  • ——— on a fungus, 32
  • Behring's Straits, fossils of, 132
  • Bell of Quillota, 255
  • Benchuca, 330
  • Berkeley Sound, 188
  • ————, Rev. J., on Confervæ, 14
  • ————————, on Cyttaria, 236
  • Bibron, M., 381, 385
  • Bien-te-veo, 54
  • Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago, 378, 394
  • Birds, tameness of, 398
  • Birgos latro, 462
  • Bizcacha, habits of, 70, 124