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Capitalist Production.
  1. Author.Work.Date.
  2. Anonymous
    East India Trade, The, a most profitable Trade
    London, 1698.
  3. Anonymous
    Economy, Public, concentrated
    Carlisle, 1833.
  4. Anonymous
    Enquiry into the connection between the high price of Provisions and the size of Farms. By a Farmer
    London, 1773.
  5. Anonymous
    Enquiry into the present high price of Provisions
    London, 1767.
  6. Anonymous
    Enquiry into the causes of the present high price of Provisions. (See Forster, Nathaniel)
    London, 1773.
  7. Anonymous
    Enquiry into those principles respecting the nature of Demand as lately advocated by Mr. Malthus
    London, 1821.
  8. Anonymous
    Enquiry, A political, into the consequences of enclosing Waste Lands.
    London, 1785.
  9. Anonymous
    Essay, An, on the Governing Causes of the Natural rate of Interest (See J. Massey)
    London, 1750.
  10. Anonymous
    Essay, w prize, on the Comparative merits of Competition and Co-Operation
    London, 1834.
  11. Anonymous
    Essay on Credit and the Bankrupt Act
    London, 1707.
  12. Anonymous
    Essay on the Political Economy of Nations
    London, 1821.
  13. Anonymous
    Essay on Public Credit
    London, 1710.
  14. Anonymous
    Essay on Trade and Commerce
    London, 1770.
  15. Anonymous
    Essay s on Political Economy in which are illustrated the principal causes of the present National Distress 2.0.
    London, 1830.
  16. Anonymous
    Farms, Capital, Two Letters on the Flour Trade, and the dearness of Corn. By a Person in Business
    London, 1767.
  17. Anonymous
    Industry of Nations, The
    London, 1855.
  18. Anonymous
    Inquiry. (See Enquiry)
  19. Anonymous
    Krankheitten, Die. Welche verschiednen Ständen, Altern und Geschlechtern eigenthümlich sind
    Ulm, 1860.
  20. Anonymous
    Labour Defended against Capital, by T. H. (See Hodgskin)
    London, 1825.
  21. Anonymous
    Letter, A, to Sir J. C. Banbury, Bt., On the high Price of Provisions. By a Suffolk Gentleman.
    Ipswich, 1795.
  22. Anonymous
    Money and its Vicissitudes. (See S. Bailey)
    London, 1837.
  23. Anonymous
    Outlines of Political Economy
    London, 1832.
  24. Anonymous
    Observations on certain verbal disputes in Political Economy
    London, 1821.
  25. Anonymous
    Perils, The, of the Nation.
    London, 1843.
  26. Anonymous
    Principles, Essential, of the Wealth of Nations.
    London, 1797.
  27. Anonymous
    Reasons for the late increase of the Poor Rate
    London, 1777.