Page:Daskam--The imp and the angel.djvu/132

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The Imp's Christmas Dinner

"Oh, we'll find her—we'll find her," cried his friend hastily. "We always find 'em! Where was you when you lost her? Near the ribbons?"

But the Imp checked himself quickly. "I guess so—I was holding Maggie's hand and she—she let go—no, I let go——"

"Where was you?" said Sadie persistently; "near the ribbons?"

"No," said the Imp thoughtfully, "it was near the bargains."

The little girl laughed and ran off with the two baskets, and his friend sat down comfortably under a big parasol hung with lanterns.

"It's no good for us to move," she said. "Sadie'll tell 'em where we are. Once me and another kid chased ourselves all 'round the place with his mother chasin' after us. We'll stay right here. Was it your mother?"

"'Course not! " responded the Imp, indignantly, "mamma's off to make a call with Big Aunty. It was Maggie."

"Oh, well, she'll come, you just see! She'll come!"

"Yes, she'll come!" repeated the Imp contentedly; "she'll come!"