Page:Daskam--The imp and the angel.djvu/134

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The Imp's Christmas Dinner

Miss Murphy says she's sorry for George Scott, 'cause he'll lose more than Henderson."

"What'll he lose?" said the Imp with interest, "what'll Uncle George lose?"

"Oh, 'tain't your uncle," replied Jenny. "It's Scott that owns the place. Miss Murphy says that if he knew maybe it would be different; but he's off South—he don't know what Wicks and Henderson do."

"My Uncle George is back. He isn't South any more," announced the Imp. "I saw him this morning. He was eating his breakfast."

"Oh, well, this one I mean is South," Jenny returned hastily. "Maybe he'd want the dinner, Miss Murphy says."

"Dinner? dinner?" queried the Imp.

"A Christmas dinner for us all," explained Jenny. "Like J. P. Williams does for his clerks."

"Oh!" said the Imp, with interest. "Cranberry and turkey and all the people?" Jenny nodded.

"And lunch in the store like Smith's, holiday time."

The Imp couldn't exactly see why one's family and grandfather from the country and Uncle