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will ever be," was the ready answer. "You've been sick, that's all."

"Sometimes I feel very weak here." Caspar Potts tapped his forehead. "But it doesn't last long."

"What you need is a good long rest, professor."

"Yes, yes; but how can I rest when these troubles——"

"These troubles will all solve themselves somehow." Dave spoke as bravely as possible, solely for the old man's benefit, and not because he saw any solution himself. "Don't let's meet them halfway."

"Very well, lad; I'll do as you say," and then Caspar Potts shuffled into the cottage, much comforted.

The conversation did not comfort Dave, and his heart was heavy within him as he hurried around, preparing a scanty supper for the old man and himself. Caspar Potts had not thought of eating, and only did so after repeated urgings by the boy.

"You've got to eat to get strong again," said Dave. "Here, let me give you some more fried potatoes and another egg."

"Eat the potatoes yourself, Dave; I'll take the egg. That's enough for me."

In the morning Dave was up at five o'clock and working around the truck garden. After breakfast, he went out to hoe corn, but kept his eye on