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and then, slowly, all began to recover their senses.

"Well, this is the worst yet!" cried Ben, limping from the car. "I guess my little toe is about squashed. How are you, Dave?"

"I'm all right, but I was pretty well squeezed."

"Somebody fish me out of the bushes!" came in a wail from Buster Beggs.

"Buster's been doing the circus act of his life," came from Sam Day.

"Anybody hurt?" questioned Phil, anxiously.

An examination was made, and it was soon ascertained that, while a number had been bruised, nobody was seriously hurt. But all agreed that the shaking up had been so great that nobody wished to try the experience again.

"Talk about a ride by moonlight!" grumbled one of the party. "I'd rather ride a trick mule."

"Well, we can be thankful that nobody was killed," said Dave. "If that brake had remained stuck, some of us would have had a different story to tell."

Most of the students were very sober as they walked around the trolley car. The rear truck was still on the tracks, but the forward wheels were a foot and a half from the rails.

"I don't see how we are to get those wheels back on the track," came from Ben. "A trolley car