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"I—I thought it was some old composition—I didn't think it was of much value!" whined Macklin, at last.

"Did you try to burn it up as soon as you took it?"

"No, sir, I—I kept it. I was going to put it back the next day, but—but——"

"But what?" thundered the doctor.

"Oh, please don't ask me, Dr. Clay."

"I demand an answer, Macklin. Do you want to be dismissed from the Hall?"

"No! no! But if I answer Plum will kill me, I know he will," whined the sneak.

"Did Plum tell you to burn it?"

"We—we burned it together—along with some old writing of my own."

"I didn't have anything to do with it," burst out the bully. "Just you wait, Chip——"

"Silence, Plum! So, then, you burned it together?"

"Yes, sir. I was—was scared—but Gus said it would be all right, that nobody would find it out!" Macklin burst into tears. "Oh, Dr. Clay, please don't send me home, please don't! I won't do such a thing again, I promise I won't! Please don't send me home! My stepfather will kill me if I'm sent home!"

Macklin was on his knees, and the bitter tears were streaming down his face as he clutched at Dr.