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even if the other man gets away. What we want—Oh!"

"Don't! don't hit me like that, Tag Dutch!" came from the room. "Don't!" And then they heard the fall of a body to the floor.

"You brought it on yourself—you're not going to expose me just yet," muttered the other man.

"Come on—let us go in!" cried Dave. "He has knocked that other man down. He may kill him!"

They burst open the door and rushed into the room. A glance sufficed to show them one man in a sailor garb, on the floor, unconscious. Over him stood the other fellow, well dressed, with a thick stick in his grasp.

"Drop that club!" cried Roger. "Drop it, or it will be the worse for you," and he swung his skates in the air.

"Wha—what do you boys want here?" demanded the man, in astonishment. "Where did you come from?" and the club went down to his side.

"I guess you know me," cried Dave, confronting him.

"Why—er—I—I don't know you at all."

"Well, I know you, and that is of more importance just now. You are the rascal that robbed Senator's Morr's summer home."

"And you are going to prison for it," added