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"I wish I had known of this before, professor; I should have called and brought some of my classmates along. Don't you remember Jack Haswell and Dick Merrick?"

"Yes, yes!"

"They often come to see me, and they have asked about you more than once. And so you have turned farmer? This is truly wonderful!"

"It is what I like best, besides lecturing, Mr. Wadsworth. But I don't know that I am to keep my farm much longer, unless——"

"Unless you can make some arrangement to get rid of Aaron Poole, is that it?"

"It's about that mortgage, yes."

"Don't let that worry you, professor. I've got a little money to spare, and if you want to keep the farm I'll take up that mortgage, and we'll send Mr. Aaron Poole about his business."

At this announcement the face of the old man brightened wonderfully.

"It's very kind of you to do that. But the interest money—You see, I've been sick——"

"What interest do you pay now?"

"Six per cent."

"We'll make the interest on the new mortgage four per cent., and you can pay it as you feel able. I'll not press you."

"Oh, thank you!" Caspar Potts shook hands