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"It's real enough. I am glad you are out of Aaron Poole's clutches."

"So am I," added Caspar Potts.

After this talk Dave went to work with a much lighter heart. He felt that Oliver Wadsworth would keep his word, so there would be no further worry concerning the mortgage. He resolved to do all he possibly could to make the farm pay.

That afternoon, while on an errand to Crumville, he passed Aaron Poole in his buggy.

"Hello, there, young man," cried the rich man. "Anything new?" And he pulled up his horse.

"There is, Mr. Poole," answered Dave, quietly.

"Is Caspar Potts going to let me have the farm?"

"No, sir. He has placed the matter in the hands of Mr. Oliver Wadsworth."

"Oliver Wadsworth?"

"Yes, sir. Mr. Wadsworth will pay the interest money, and when the mortgage falls due he will take it off your hands."

At this announcement Aaron Poole's face took on a sour look.

"Wadsworth will get stuck," he muttered. "He'll never see his money again."

"He thinks the farm a good investment. When the trolley goes through, the land will rapidly increase in value."