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and carry valises," grumbled the officer of the law. "I'll report it, though," he added, taking the telegram.

Dave listened to the conversation with deep interest. As the policeman took the telegram he approached the officer.

"Excuse me, but do you know what that thief stole?" he questioned, in a low voice.

The policeman stared, and gazed at him sharply.

"What do you want to know for?"

"I heard what the telegraph operator said. I was on that train which is delayed, and I saw a man on board who was dressed in a suit of gray. He had a valise which was so heavy he could scarcely carry it. One end bulged open, and I saw something in it which looked like gold plate."

"Say, is that true?" burst out the policeman. "This telegram says some gold- and silver-ware were taken, also some diamond rings. It was the summer home of Senator Morr—a fine old place that belonged once to the senator's grandfather."

"Then I shouldn't be surprised if the man I saw was the thief!" burst out Dave, excitedly. "He got on the train at Hemson."

"Where is he now?"

"At the barroom of yonder hotel." The youth pointed out the place. "He wanted me to drink with him, but I wouldn't do it." And then Dave